Young hen is very lethargic, can't hold wings or head up


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 7, 2013
Billings, MT
I just let the chickens out of their coop this morning and one little Mille Fleur is extremely lethargic, and can barely walk, hold up her head or pick up her wings. I've never had a sick chicken before. Help!

If there's anything I need to give her ill have to go buy it. I live a ways from the nearest town in Montana, so I can't just pop out to the store.

Any idea what it could be?

The only thing different that I can think of is that it was really hot yesterday. My daughter sprayed the run with water to help them cool off because they seemed hit, even in the shade.

They also ate a bunch of very ripe cantaloupe the day before yesterday.

They are about 3 months old.

Thank you!
Both breeze and shade are needed in really hot weather. I have read that over 100 degrees can be lethal for a chicken. We go a little over 100 here and so far (knock on wood) we haven't lost any to heat, but their large coop is like a wind tunnel, it gets so much breeze, plus I run a box fan all summer. Mine actually prefer the coop on the hottest days because it is cooler in there. I think you did well to mosten the run; I also moisten the ground near the coop on very hot days. They need a good supply of water not heated by the sun. If I see on really looking heat stressed (holding their wings away from their body a bit and panting) I actually dunk them in a bucket of cool water for a minute and sort of swixh them around to get the water down to their skin. They don't like it, but they're obviously not as hot afterward.

I wouldn't add sugar to the water for longer than a day or two. If you have some organic apple cider vinegar, that may help.

Having said all that, I have no idea wehether heat is the problem with your chicken. I don't have anything to suggest other than trying to cool her off, in case heat is the problem -- but it may very well not be.

I hope this turns out well for you.
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Thank you! She is doing better now. We have her inside in the air conditioning in a cool bathroom and she is a lot more normal. I think we'll keep her inside for a couple of days to be on the safe side.

I think maybe she got overheated yesterday and stopped eating and maybe was weak from that. But it looks like she will make it, hopefully!

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