Young hens doing me wrong. LOL


9 Years
Feb 28, 2015
My girls are only two and have always laid so many eggs I had to give them to half the neighborhood and now I am lucky to get one a day and it has been this way for a while. At first I thought after the summer molt, they will start again, but here it is Almost Dec. and one egg a day. I have a variety of hens from barred rock to Rhode Island Reds and others in between that I don't know breed.
I have not changed their coop at all, they have good feed, water and scratch and a goodly amount of sun and light all day, so I am mystified. At this rate it is costing us about ten bucks an egg!!! Some seem to be going through yet again another molt but not as severe as the summer one. Any ideas, suggestions? Thanks.
We feed a good quality crumble as well as scratch, and we live south of the border near San Diego. I am only going by what we always got in the past, which was more eggs than we could use, yet this year, almost nothing. We have changed nothing, so it makes no sense to us. ??

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