Young Rooster identification


Dec 7, 2021
Hi, so I am a new chicken farmer and have a flock of about six chickens that were hatched in my incubator and are about 3 months old. (hens still too young to lay) I know that at least 2 of them are roosters due to the fact that I wake up every morning to a crow off, but I have just noticed some colorful green tail feathers growing on one of my supposed hens. Is there a way to know which of my chickens are roosters even if I've never heard them crow?
I find the saddle feathers the most reliable tell -- starting around 12 weeks for my Australorps and Australorp crosses.

hen vs rooster.jpeg
You can post photos and we might be able to help you. One close-up of the head showing the comb and wattles, if any. We are looking at size but also the color. The boys should be brighter red than the girls. Wattles should be more pronounced.

Another shot showing the legs, posture, and profile can be very helpful. A boy's legs are probably going to be thicker and heavier. Maybe longer. An upright posture implies a boy. Hard to explain what I'm looking for with the profile. Sometimes it can be obvious.

The type of comb can make a difference. Feathered legs can make it harder. Sometimes the other stuff just isn't that helpful or they may send mixed messages. Many show these differences at 5 weeks, for some 3 months isn't enough.

For me it is often easier to definitely say "that is a boy", but sometimes girls can be clear. And sometimes it doesn't take 5 weeks. There is some science to it but some art too, so experience can help.

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