Young roosters mating skills


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 6, 2009
Syracuse, NY
I have 2 roos and 8 hens. They are all the same age, 20 weeks. The hens are just beginning to lay, 3 small eggs so far. The roos have been trying to mate for about 3 weeks now. So far, no visible damage to the hen's backs from the mounting. What I'm noticing is how rough they are on the hen's combs. There tends to be blood on a couple of them each day and I noticed one has a small chunk missing from her comb. For the most part, I think the hens are not submitting to the roos and try to escape. As they continue to mature, will the roos do less damage to the combs or is this normal? Thanks!
Some what, but It would help if you got rid of a roo, hens to roos is suppose to be about 8-10 Hens:1 Roo (Even with 8 hens to one roo I was having problems with their backs getting torn up)
When my EE roo was young, he was pretty dumb and brutal. He has curled toes, so he can't get up and hold onto hens very well, so he would often chase them down for minutes on end. He even made a couple have bloody combs, yanked chunks of feathers out of their necks, and they never submitted to him. What I ended up doing was giving him a seperate place to stay, where he was able to roam and see the hens, but not touch them. (there was a chicken fence barrier with bird netting over the top.) After weeks, he began to learn how to get their attention and trust by trying to show off for them, give them treats, etc through the fence. The hens eventually would submit to him, unknowing of the fence, and once I was ready for raising new chicks, I started a "weekend dating" schedule, where he was only allowed with them on weekends. It worked out pretty well - He learned his lesson, the hens began submitting to him, and for the short weekends he got out, things went fine. No chasing, no blood, no violent forcings. Once he's done, I stick him back in his place.

( But on shorter note - You only should have a roo if you need one. The hens will lay regardless, and probably be happier without one. We only have one because we want babies. )
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I've been figuring one would have to go. I was only supposed to have one. The second was an oops in sexing from the supplier. So far, they have been very good roos as far as temperament towards people so I was hoping they would continue to behave with people and be reasonable with the hens. A BBQ might be in the near future.
Definatly get rid of 1 boy. At first mine was a little rough, but he has gotten better. When he is very mean he girls gang up on 'im and put him in his place
I have a little group of feminists, sounds like you do too! No roo is going to break THEIR spirit.

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