Young Silkie, possible leg issues.

I would keep him comfortable and fed. Give the vitamins, and you can use chick vitamins (make sure they have riboflavin) or the human B complex to see if his legs get better. If you should lose him at some point, it would be good to get a necropsy (autopsy) by your state poultry lab. The body has to be refrigerated, but not frozen, and taken or shipped overnight. Usually they can tell the cause of death by examining organs fo signs of infection or tiny tumors that Mareks causes. Here is a link where to contact your state vet:
With the way you describe his legs, it does sound like possible Marek's. Both my pullet's legs were paralyzed (after a few days to a week of limping and not being coordinated any longer). They both stuck out in front. I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope it's just as vitamin deficiency for your baby.
Hello. Update: He’s doing good, eating and drinking. He’s as lively as he can be and atm he’s in a box. We just got rid of 2 guinea pigs so we’re gonna put him in there soon.
I’ve named him Peekaboo.
I got him on my lap and he’s already asleep.
Also, he can walk and stand. He’s very good and now in his box. He’s eating and drinking fine still.
Still with the legs problem.
Treating every bird in the house.
Even a guinea. (is that how you spell it?)
Anyways, all the birds are getting some water.
I believe Peekaboo will be alright.
His hatch-mates were from a uncle of mine.
Plus, he was trampled. It may be just a deformity or a broken bone. Who knows.
Peekaboo is good. The only thing wrong is that he still has the problems. He ain’t dead.
He’s my 2nd favorite chick that’s here at the moment!
Penny (Mentioned in a different thread woohoo) is the 1st favorite.

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