Young tom turkey behavior?


12 Years
May 5, 2010
Milan, MI
So I have 6 hens and a turkey, all about 6 weeks old and all were moved last night from indoors to the outdoors. The turkey started doing a little strutting last week, but wow, when he got outside for good in the sunshine he was really strutting his stuff! It was so cool to see a tom that young doing that! Even more interesting is that I think he thinks those chickens are his hens. If one of them stryed from the group forraging he would go over, puff up, drop his wings and then use his wings to heard her back into the group. Anyone else ever see this before? It's all new to me and was really pretty exciting to watch. Too cool!
I was cleaning brooders and banding turkeys last night and my little poults started dancing, puffing up and dragging there wings. It was so cute.

So sorry about the delay in the reply
The turkey is 2 mos old in this picture. He/she started strutting young. I have no idea if this is normal.
My turkey insists on being the last one into the coop. He stays out about 20 minutes after all the chickens have picked their roosting spot. Then he enters and very noisily flaps his wings and jumps on the roost of his liking. Sometimes he knocks the chickens off THEIR roost spots. It's quite funny.

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