Young turkeys sneezing, one with swollen face an smelly discharge


In the Brooder
Apr 25, 2017
Mountain Home AR
All my young turkeys are sneezing, and one of them has developed a big swollen face. Except for the one with the swollen face, they have full appetite, and no discharge. The one with the swollen face is still eating. She does have a smelly discharge, and lots of nose gunk. Both side, just below the the eyes
Ugh, unfortunately swelling and discharge with an odor is *usually* associated with Coryza... highly contagious respiratory disease, can be treated but they'll be carriers for life... best to get tests done to find out, IMO..

@casportpony thoughts?
I'm tying to learn first aid--but at best I might be able to help with triage. ARG:oops:

You're doing just fine!! :hugs

Some things are better to find out the root cause though, to avoid additional issues later, spread of disease, etc...
Smelly discharge is a huge red flag, it is the biggest, most well known symptom of Coryza... *it could* be something else, but any suspicion of Coryza is best checked for confirmation... if positive, it is ethical to choose between closed flock or culling, just fyi...

Triage is important! ;)

X2!!! :thumbsup
Her face is slightly more swollen today. She's not having any trouble breathing, she's eating and pooping fine. No rales. Her voice is fine. Any ideas?

Tylan? Check your local feed store and see if they have Tylan injectable... it will need to be drawn out with a needled syringe but you can give it orally with a needleless syringe...

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