Your aprilfools day pranks! *Happy April 1 day*


9 Years
Jun 6, 2010
Happy AprilFools day!

This morning I just pranked my oldest sister:
(I put clear rapper underneath the toil set. (So she could barely see it)
It worked!

1. Get clear rapper, tape, and toilet seat. :d
2. Open the toilet seat so it faces up
3. Tape the plastic rap to the bottom of the seat.

Then to my other sister:
(I put her nail polish on the same plastic rap, dried, then set!)

1. Get nail polish, & plastic rap.
2. Roll out the plastic rap so that it lays flat on a table
3. Pour out half of the nail polish
4. Then pur the rest on the plastic rap with the bottle tipped over
5. Let it sit & and dry.
6. Peel off the nail polish and place on a delicate item (Laptop, furniture, clothes)

Please post YOUR favorite pranks so others can use it on april fools day!
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rubberband on the sink hose
put bubble wrap under the toliet seat so when someone sits they get a loud pop
Buy a bunch of googly eyes from a craft store and stick them everywhere all over a the inside of the lid to the toliet.

wait until your victim is in the shower, then sneak in and grab their clothes and all the towels. (You might want to get the bath mat too)

For this prank, the victim's bedroom door must open to the inside, and they need to be a sound sleeper. While the victim is inside the room, quietly tape newspaper across the door jam, covering it almost to the top. Then fill the gap between the newspaper and the door with Styrofoam peanuts, popped popcorn, crumpled newspaper, or even water balloons. When the victim opens the door, they'll be greeted by an avalanche.

Turn the showerhead so it will spray the victim when they stand outside the shower and turn on the water.

Sew someone's coat cuffs together so they can't get their hands through. Or go through their underwear drawer and sew the legs of all their underwear closed (if you use a sewing machine, this doesn't take too long).

Fill a box with ping pong balls or packing peanuts and place it into a cupboard. Arrange the box so the box flap will fall open when the cupboard is opened. Carefully close the cupboard, and then wait nearby.
This is what my kids are going to see when they go to collect eggs this afternoon. I can hardly wait!!

I'm a horrible pranker lol.

Alls I did today was the sink thing. Then squirter mustard on my brother (on accident
) So

he'd wash his hands, then he got a face full
If you want to wait a LONG time to prank somebody, go in the victims closet and scare them when they open the door.
I did that a long time ago and my sister was scared out of her wits.
(I must be pretty mean.

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