haha. yeah the crests are pretty funny. my duck, toby, has a pretty poofy head, but i don't have a close up of just him, they ducks won't separate or let me get close enough for some good shots. lol
i'm pretty sure its a recessive gene so the both of the chromosones would have to be recessive for it to appear. kinda like albino people. both of the parents must carry the recessive gene and if the child recieves recessive genes from both parents, it would be albino.
sorry to go all science-y on you. lol
"The crest gene is an incompletely dominant one. ie, if an chick receives a double dose of the gene &endash; one from each parent (homozygous) it will die in the shell. If only one of the parents passes it on (heterozygous) the resulting hatches will be :- 25% will not hatch, 25% will not have crests and 50% will have crests. If a crested heterozygous bird is crossed with an un-crested one, the resulting hatch should be 50% crested and 50% plain. So, as you can see, breeding Crested ducks is challenging and not recommended for beginners; also if the crest is so large as to intefere with normal eating and mating etc it would need to be 'trimmed' to allow the duck a normal life."

I re-sized these pics wrong, but if you click on them you will see them in their bigger size and trust me, the cuteness is better bigger.

My special Khaki Campbell, Booger, when she was about 2 weeks old playing in her tub:

And her dried off and looking cute:

Thank you, I do too! Everyone who meets her, even my DBF who wanted to eat her when we first got her, has come to love her. This girl is going to live a long, natural life on a gilded pillow now that she has just laid her first egg yesterday.

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