Your Methods for Keeping Chickens Off the Porch?


7 Years
Dec 2, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
We have a large verandah/porch which means plenty of pooping space for the chickens! I've hidden all the pet food so it's inaccessible, but how can I actually deter them short of standing outside all day long with a rake in hand?
That's why I ended up building a half acre pen for mine, I was tired of chasing them outta garden and flower beds, and scaring them off the deck, now I only let them roam the yard if I'm in the mood to babysit them and just enjoy the evening.
We have a large verandah/porch which means plenty of pooping space for the chickens! I've hidden all the pet food so it's inaccessible, but how can I actually deter them short of standing outside all day long with a rake in hand?

Our only fix has been what the above poster did... build a large run off the coop. They seem pretty satisfied with that as the weed growth is consistent and there's always bugs around. I try to send "treats" their way with spent plants from the garden so they still get the garden stuff that they love. If they are out and about in the yard the first thing they do is run into the garden or on the deck and a few times someone has opened the back door to come in or out and they try to go inside too :)
That's why my birds lost free range privileges. Wet chicken poop is slicker than snot and it only took once of slipping and falling in it to get a run built.
I doubt it... My chickens are virtually irrepressible. Their run is smaller than I'd like and they've eaten every living thing in there while the backyard has so much more to offer. Has anyone tried strong-smelling plants?
I don't know how effective it really is, but I had heard or read that if you "train" them not to be in a certain place they'll learn some boundaries. I think this is pretty impossible to teach them, but they very rarely venture onto our porch/deck. If we see them, we quickly shoo them away. Having our dog and cats stake claim to this area helps a bit.
Fence it off?
Squirt 'em with the hose if they venture near?

I personally prefer them to be confined in their run, I have a large run and yes it's bare of vegetation - but too bad, keeps em out of trouble and alive.

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