Zero Eggs


7 Years
Oct 5, 2015
Barneveld New York
Hey all,
wondeing if anyone can help me out, i have a large 25x40 horse barn i turned into a coop for my 14 hens, during the summer i was getting alot of eggs but now i dont get any at all, all the layer boxes are in the same place, all have fresh hay in them, floors are all covered in straw, no wind, i even put in a window for air and light, they dont even seem to go near the boxes anymore.
i was wondering if anyone might know any tricks to help me out.
thank you
Have you checked to see if they're hiding them, or they're laying randomly in the pen and the eggs are being covered accidentally? Are any of them molting? Laying will naturally slow down in winter as the days get shorter.
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Have you checked to see if they're hiding them, or they're laying randomly in the pen and the eggs are being covered accidentally? Are any of them molting? Laying will naturally slow down in winter as the days get shorter.

X2 old are your hens and what breed? Mine really slowed this winter. They're getting older. It seemed to take last spring's pullets forever to start laying They hatched late and just started and finally the older birds are kicking in. Finally!!!!!!
The California greys and Easter eggers are leading the laying and took the least time off, only eight to ten weeks, but I haven't seen a brown egg in quite a while and a dark brown egg even longer.

Ive looked all over, they arent hiding any, they arent going in the layer boxes at all, they are untouched, they are all ages, but mostly 8months and up
It's probably just the weather then. Do you have artificial lighting? Chickens need about 14 hours of daylight for proper egg production, which is why winter laying tends to decrease dramatically.
They are all younger than 18 months and I feed them layer pellets, they are all kind of different breeds I'll take some pictures as I really don't know the names.
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I currently have 11 hens and got nine eggs this evening. They have plenty of egg layer feed, a clean coop, have finished molting, and a double sunlight led light comes on at 2 am.

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