Zombie chickens....


5 Years
Nov 18, 2014
So the question isn't as crazy as the title but I HAVE TO ASK... So I just had a hatch thT was a kinda bad turnout... I hadn't broke down the incubator yet. My chicks took 3 days to hatch and the last one hatched about 4-5 days ago give or take. .. I should have broke my incubator down 3 days ago but I hadn't even unplugged it yet... Last night I thought I was hearing thinks and kept hearing cherping ..... Came home and I had not one but 2 hatching... There eggs were dry the peeping holders looked black like how when one dies... But they were alive and struggling to get out.... I helped moved the peep hole down to the air sack helped a little then put them back in... Has anyone every had this happen... Chickens hatching not one day 20-22 but day 30??? My incubator went threw a power serge the day before didn't mess up the temp or humidity just reset the counter . So they hatched on day 30... And yes all eggs were set the same day and same time... Any ideas... Or did these little ones come back to life?? I will note that one wasn't even attached to the egg when he broke out you know how when they first hatch kinda looks like an embelical cord... They weren't .... Racking my brain...
Ive never had any hatch that late. I let mine go til day 24 and then usually eggtopsy mine. If I would see any movement I would replace them. All I can think of in your case is that maybe you had a cool spot in the incubator and the chicks just finally finished developing. How are they doing now?
It's had to tell not so well so far.. They seem to be almost stuck in the position they were in the egg.. Not walking yet... Put vitamin replacement in there water and keep helping them I will keep watching. But so far they are live just not mobile

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