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  • How are the two goats doing?(ur the right person,Right?)
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    Reactions: ElfenLied89
    my spoiled chickens
    my spoiled chickens
    They do that.What did you decide to name the boy? Did you wether him? Sorry I have soo many questions,Im trying to distract myself from thinking about the preggo goats and when mine are gonna give birth.
    He is on the no more balls schedule in 2 weeks ❤️ They wait until 12+ weeks to make sure everything has gone where it's supposed to lol
    my spoiled chickens
    my spoiled chickens
    Yeah,we don't wether our goats because we give them to our good friend with a GIANT farm the bucks we don't want and she sells them and keeps the ones she wants she has a herd that is like 50-100 goats and 50-100 sheep and she is a very reputable breeder
    Hi there! I was wondering if you would like to do an article for The Poultry Life. It is due in January, so no rush to start ideas. Please get back to me as soon as possible though.
    Thank you and happy holidays!
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