Question about geese


Mar 19, 2022
Got a couple goslings (unsexed) from the local TSC, they're growing up pretty well and I've been introducing them to the adult ducks that I have also with plans on putting them outside permanently with them within the next week or two. Couple of questions though.

1. There is a clear difference in their wings, one has them tucked up like normal, the other one doesn't tuck their wings in though and they sort of lay out and it constantly adjusts them. Is this a common thing with their growth or is it something to pay more attention to? (Will add pictures to the bottom)
2. I have six adult ducks, two female pekin, two male mallard (one I put into it's own container at night because he gets aggressive with the other male, they just turned a year old) and two female mallards. One of the female mallards is sitting on a clutch of eggs that I plan on letting her hatch out, but is it safe to place the geese into the same coop as the ducks, or should I construct their own coop? I have plans to remodel the current coop so it helps me to get an idea of how to plan it out if they need to be homed in different coops.




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"Angel wing." It's a wobbly-weak baby wing joint being rotated by the weight of its own growing feathers and is probably a diet+ genetically regulated pacing of growth thing. If you get some vetwrap and tape the end section of wing to the middle with the joint rotated correctly to hold the flight feathers where they belong it might correct in a week or so. Retape daily.
Or use a cut off leg piece from a pair of stretchy leggings on her. I used a sock on a duckling ( cut off the foot part) and it worked great. you want to get this done right away, the younger they are the better you can’t fix it once they are grown.
Oh hey, also about the coop I wouldn’t leave them in there together without a divider for a while. Oh, I built a divider in my duck house when I added teenage ducklings and it took three weeks for them to get used to each other enough to Get along without the divider.
Also, I picked up some rooster booster minerals and such for them, and will plan out a divider in the coop for them. So far I've been socializing them with success in the yard with the ducks and haven't had any issues, but will still add a divider into the coop just because it seems like a practical idea going into the future.
Question #2: I have ducks and geese sharing a coop. Plastic dog play yard fencing separates the two with a small space the ducks can fit through. It's right by the coop entrance since the ducks sometimes have to dash to get past the geese, though usually they put themselves to bed before I have to herd the geese inside. Once in a while a broody goose manages the squeeze through and stuffs herself into a duck nestbox. The fence also works great for separating broody goose nesting areas. I also like the fencing because it's easy to move and reshape as my flocks needs change. (Looks like you've already got some in your pics.)

I've got 2 ducks on eggs and 6 goslings (plus the parents) -- I'll find out in a few days if the setup still works..

Edit: Adding image. Ducks top and left, geese nest w boxes bottom right. Entrance top right where it's lightest.
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Question #2: I have ducks and geese sharing a coop. Plastic dog play yard fencing separates the two with a small space the ducks can fit through. It's right by the coop entrance since the ducks sometimes have to dash to get past the geese, though usually they put themselves to bed before I have to herd the geese inside. Once in a while a broody goose manages the squeeze through and stuffs herself into a duck nestbox. The fence also works great for separating broody goose nesting areas. I also like the fencing because it's easy to move and reshape as my flocks needs change. (Looks like you've already got some in your pics.)

I've got 2 ducks on eggs and 6 goslings (plus the parents) -- I'll find out in a few days if the setup still works..

Edit: Adding image. Ducks top and left, geese nest w boxes bottom right. Entrance top right where it's lightest.
View attachment 3521363

Nice, yeah I have a few doggy fences. I actually foster puppies (usually litters) so I've got loads of different puppy fencing that I use for all sorts of things like containment, gating, etc. My coop is actually just a rebuilt and repurposed greenhouse with the siding replaced with plywood so it's not that large, but I plan on doing a full tear down and rebuild eventually, but for the meantime I think that I am gonna separate it where the main area is a common open, the geese get their own area, broody ducks also get their own area, and then a containment spot big enough for one duck (or goose) to serve as a time out or isolation area.
Swapped the wraps today, right wing looking good, but the left wing was still inverted. Re-wrapped them both back up (at the protest of the gosling). They ended up taking off the left wrap tonight and pulled out a feather at the same time, I looked it over and couldn't find any active bleeding and the feather didn't look broken off so I think it should be fine but will keep an eye on it. Re-wrapped the wing again, gosling seems content for now.

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