What comb/cross is this?

Chicken boy 1156

May 16, 2023
HN Mississippi
I hatched a bunch of mystery eggs a while back but one of them is a roo with a comb I don’t know the name of( or I just am dumb and forgot the name of the comb) could someone identify the comb, oh and also I have a question could somebody identify the parents too we know it barred rock and Wyandotte but we don’t know which breed is mother and father.
Here’s a pic of you the comb
Alright I just checked something and now that I think of it I’m pretty sure he’s pure wyandotte
Pure rose comb RRpp tends to be neat and tidy like that. Rrpp will also show like that but can also be bulgier and much less tidy and compact, especially on roos.
This is a gold penciled hamburg x golden wyandotte. That same comb there...

This is the gold penciled hamburg. He originally had the same type of comb, but lost the pointy tip to frostbite a couple of years ago.

This is a gold penciled hamburg x brown leghorn, so comb is Rrpp. It doesn't sit anywhere near as close to the skull as his father's does.

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