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Pros: pretty medium brown speckled eggs, gets along with others great, calm.
Cons: a bit shy
my welsummer that passed away was a very nice bird, she wasn't skittish or flighty, but she was more shy and kept to herself. very nice to other chickens. she was very big, had stocky legs and a big build in general.
R.I.P. Puddles.
I feel bad that I have to give this chicken a 3-star.....
Pros: Cute fluffy cheeks, pretty eggs, small comb
Cons: Super skittish, not afraid to stand their ground
On all websites I've visited says that easter eggers are one of the sweetest chicken breeds you can get. Yes, that can be true....But all chicken's personalities vary! I can barely get close to my easter egger, she startles when I make the slightest movement. She is not afraid to stand up for herself. She will fight. She fights with a hen that is twice the size as her. On the other hand, she lays pretty eggs and her face is cute. She only has 2 friends in my entire flock, they were in the same batch. She only really hangs out with the chickens her age. She has a very weird laying time, will lay all throughout summer, and after Winter she starts back up again very early, about February.
Purchase Price
$4.00 at a local breeder
Purchase Date
March 2019
good breed for beginners
Pros: Likes being held when young, gets along great with other chickens, doesn't tend to peck on others.
Cons: Feathers on feet can get dirty if you have a lot of mud in your yard
This is my light brahma, Dottie. Very sweet hen, kinda shy, but not skittish.
Pros: Very sweet
Good with other chickens
Good for a showbird
Cons: None
I have one black australorp named Phyllis, went broody in the summer of 2023, was a great mom. Gets along great with other chickens, rooster loves her.
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Purchase Date
March 2019


Super Admin
Personality varied
Pros: Independent, quiet (for a goose), some of them were friendly, intelligent, protective of hens, diligent
Cons: Not as friendly as I would have liked, one gander was mean. Not great hatchers
I originally got a young adult trio of buff Americans and the gander was extremely sweet and friendly. The hens were friendly but standoffish, they would come up and chat but kept their distance. Unfortunately, he died to a fox. He was the sole casualty so I like to think he died protecting his birds. Unfortunately, the replacement gander wasn’t so nice. At first he was shy but when breeding season came around he decided he loved my dad and hated everyone else. He would follow Dad around singing songs to him and accepting hugs. He tried to bite and beat everyone with his wings and constantly attacked everyone on the farm. Including the visitors. Also the hens sat on eggs but only one incubated successfully. They were very protective of their baby and Charlie momentarily wouldn’t attack you at random with the new purpose of watching over his child. (I’m sure he would if you got close but that’s on you then.)
Unfortunately we sold that baby and he returned to his evil ways. When breeding season ended he was slightly less mean but still very mean.
A must have for all chicken owners
Pros: Easily laid out for desperate mums to help poorly babes
Cons: 🤷‍♀️ You have to pay for it 🤷‍♀️
My darling hubby bought this for me (perhaps I talk too much) and I didn’t do a minute of housework for a week. It’s absolutely fascinating. So much info so clear and well explained. The index points to problems quick and explains advise to the most horrible problems that 🤞 we should never have to deal with. I read it from cover to cover, only ever done that with stories before.
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