Anyone know why my ducks keep laying their eggs in the water?


10 Years
Jan 7, 2010
I have 2 call ducks that keep laying their eggs in there baby pool. How do I stop it? Will it hurt the eggs? Please help:(
I don't think duck eggs can drowned per say, but if your ducks are laying them in the water then the eggs were probably not fertilized. If the instinct to nest is not kicking in then there is not really anything you can do to stop them, you could collect the eggs when they lay them and try incubating but you probably won't get any results.

If both of your birds are females and there are no males around then the eggs are definitely not fertilized and so being in the water means only that you have to go fishing for duck eggs every morning...
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I do have a male in with them. However, I have been trying to incubate the eggs and have not had a fertilized one yet. I know he is mating them. Just no luck.
I am going crazy.
They are laying them in the pool because that is where they are when they get the urge to lay. Ducks are just weird that way. Especially breeds that have the broodiness bred out of them. They'll drop an egg as they walk. Usually ducks will lay their eggs early in the morning. I don't know what time you've been letting them out, or if you even shut them up, but if you can keep them penned until noon, they will lay their egg in the pen. Where they lay has nothing to do with whether the eggs are fertilized.

How do you know that the incubated eggs were not fertilized? Did you candle them? If so, how long did you incubate them before candling? Were you in a dark room when you candled?
Yes, I have candled them. I have been letting them stay in full term just in case I was wrong. I have not had one try and develope for 3 months. I have incubated several call eggs before and never had this problem.
I don't think duck eggs can drowned per say, but if your ducks are laying them in the water then the eggs were probably not fertilized. If the instinct to nest is not kicking in then there is not really anything you can do to stop them, you could collect the eggs when they lay them and try incubating but you probably won't get any results.

If both of your birds are females and there are no males around then the eggs are definitely not fertilized and so being in the water means only that you have to go fishing for duck eggs every morning...
A Muscovy duck is laying her eggs in the lake. I started taking them out every morning, I bought an incubator for the eggs. She saw me taking her eggs every morning around the same time and started dropping them almost on shore . 4 eggs out of 14 so far are growing baby ducks. She follows my daughter around when we go to feed the ducks. The male talks to us a lot with his hissing sound when we're feeding him. Their very friendly ducks. I think she's dropping them in the water, because her 4 baby ducks were eaten by a blue herring. All the baby ducks disappear on that lake. So I'm helping her with her eggs. The babies with go to a farm that raises Muscovy ducks for their please grab the eggs and incubate them.

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