Are Your Hens Setting On Eggs Yet? 2012 POULT FORECAST


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
11 Years
Feb 20, 2008
Opelousas, Louisiana
Just checking to see if anyone has turkey hens setting on eggs yet? If so, how is everything going? If not, what do you think 2012 looks like as far as your girls laying and setting on eggs. What are you hoping for?
I am crossing my for turkey poults! I put the first eggs in and they are clear
But I just put another 12 in the incubator so
We will see in a couple of days if they take off. This is my turkeys first year and I guess I did a big no-no putting them in the big barn with the rest of the birds as I had a light in the barn as well.

my learning curve is big this year...
We've got strutting too, but I suspect the cold and storm that's coming in tomorrow will knock that friskiness out of them until it warms up again.
It's 5 degrees out, looks like winter might finally be here. I don't need them to start sitting on eggs yet! I have poult envy though... where is the pic?
One of my BBW's is flirting with the idea of being broody. She will sit in the nest box all day and not let Gracie in to lay her egg. Then when I take Eva's egg away she lets Gracie in and pretty much sits with her head up Gracie's butt waiting for her to lay. Eva then steals Gracie's egg as soon as she lays it. It's funny cause Gracie will look under herself and she cant figure out what happened to her egg. Neither of the girls are bred so I need to get some fertilized eggs for them. I'm thinking about some Midget Whites or some Bourbon Red.

Whoever said BBW's aren't good layers never met my girls. They have been laying daily since last Sept. They lay more regular than the geese and ducks that are in the other half of the coop. Can't wait to see what kind of mothers they will be.

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