Chickens Prefer staying in Coop!


9 Years
Dec 27, 2010
Waxhaw, NC
I have 17 chickens now about 3 months old (15 are Speckled Sussex, 1 BO and 1 Australorp). I the last week or two, every time I go to to check on them, I see that they are mostly staying in the 10x12 coop. I have a 35 foot long run behind the coop, so they've got plenty of room to run and play, but they seem to staying in there. For example, today I went out to feed them a plum as a treat. After they feasted on it, they all happily went back into the coop to hang out.

The coop and run are in dappled shade in a cool area of the yard. Food and water are outside in the covered part of the run.

Anyone else experience their chickens happily staying in the coop during the day? When I come to visit they all shoot out the pop hole.
I think that they are still young and like all young chickens are just a bit intimidated by the great outdoors. Your indoor space is large so they probably feel no need to be outside yet. Just keep encouraging them to come out. I throw carrot greens and veggies from the garden in the outside run each day for them to pick through. You'll soon be complaining that they won't go inside!
Oh, to clarify, they do spend time outside as well especially in the early morning--but just in the last few weeks I'm starting to catch them indoors more and more. Before I couldn't get them inside, so it's a switch indeed!
alot of my chickens spend alot of time in the coop.we have 240 sq.ft. with 2 sun roofs,so they'd rather do thier dust bathing inside..
I have the opposite problem.

My 5 chickens (7 weeks old) love being outside. They live in a 4' x 4' chicken barn attached to an 8 X 8 x 6 run with a 3' area of covered roof.

They spend almost all day outside - even in light rain. When it was cold they used to return to the henhouse at night. However, now that it's 65 at night they don't want to come in. They roost at in the run (which they share with 3 homing pigeons) on dowels hung around 4'.

I'm wondering if I can leave them out there at night - they get VERY made when I put them in the henhouse at night. (I lost 3 hens to a raccoon that managed to open the henhouse door. However, their dislike of the henhouse got worse a week or so after the initial successful attack and the doors have since been secured.)

The run has chicken wire under the floor and on all sides. However a raccoon could snake a paw throw the wire and snag a sleeping chicken.

Can they be left outside in the run at night if I put a roost in that is away from the wire?
chicken wire will not keep predators out.use hardware cloth,its more expensive but worth it.but even with hardware cloth i keep mine locked up tight at night..
Ok I'm confused I got my chickens from my gf they were free range no coop they just went wherever to sleep even this winter I got a huge coop built with 12 beds walk in they got three ladders to go to each shelf there's four shelfs water food and heat lamp straw on floor I only have three hens one rooster and a big fenced in area to come out I let them free range in the morning but when I check on them there back in there coop I bring them out through treats out go in the house and there back in the coop what's up with this it's beautiful out I want them to enjoy the sushine but they prefer to be in there are they goofy or what
Ok I'm confused I got my chickens from my gf they were free range no coop they just went wherever to sleep even this winter I got a huge coop built with 12 beds walk in they got three ladders to go to each shelf there's four shelfs water food and heat lamp straw on floor I only have three hens one rooster and a big fenced in area to come out I let them free range in the morning but when I check on them there back in there coop I bring them out through treats out go in the house and there back in the coop what's up with this it's beautiful out I want them to enjoy the sushine but they prefer to be in there are they goofy or what
Give them time to grow bored with the new coop with its luxurious heat. If you want them out more move the food and water out during the day and turn off the heat lamp.
Hey everyone just dropped in to say hi well since the last time I was here I've lost one hen one chick to dogs pisses me off I love my chickens but my ducks have been living with my chickens since they were little and my chick thinks its a duck lol it's been with the ducks since the brooder there the best of friends they eat together and sleep and are very clickish but it's awesom to watch hemi my chick is actually thinking about swimming she's tryed twice to be in the ducks pool but hadent succeeded. Yet

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