Day 30 - runner duck hatching problem HELP


In the Brooder
Apr 2, 2024
Hi everyone - I’m on day 30 with runner ducklings. I have had to hatch all of the ducklings so far - 3 came out two days ago and yesterday and seem well, one died yesterday and I have these two left in the incubator. I’ve managed to get the black one out but I think it is still absorbing the yolk (bulge near its tummy). What do you think? Should I leave it there and will it have enough oxygen in the incubator? It isn’t fluffing up and has been out for about 4 hours. It is alive. The other egg I managed to get the beak exposed for it to breathe (I candled it yesterday and tried to create a hole where the air sac was but it bled). It looks like there is something yellow leaking from that egg. What do you think I should do as the veins haven’t retracted?
I think the humidity must have been all wrong since none have managed to get out independently
Thanks for your advice


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100 percent leave them in the incubator they will have enough oxygen
It is not fluffing because it has not finished hatching it can take 12 hours if not more to finish fluffing
The black duckling has not finished absorbing the yoke sack yet, I don't want to be rude but it seems that you helped to quickly the black duckling should not be that hatched yet, they internally pip then 12 to 24 hours later they pip then 24 to 72 hours later they zip at which point they are ready to hatch fully, ducks take a long time to hatch
as for the egg leave it be it can breath it is fine
Good luck
These little ones were not ready yet
I see the black one has a yolk
Baby will not get up and be mobile until it’s absorbed and then another few hours
If you have a small bowl you could put baby in so it doesn’t try ti move and rupture that yolk
Baby 2 I can’t see what’s going on but there shouldn’t be anything leaking nor should there be blood in the air cell end
I’m thinking possibly baby was backwards
I hope not as yellow stuff leaking would be yolk if that was the case
It’s important that we give them plenty of time to hatch before helping
My safety holes are no bigger then the pin of a tac
They stay like that until I need ti fully assist 2 days later if they need it
All they need is a little hole for air
These little ones were not ready yet
I see the black one has a yolk
Baby will not get up and be mobile until it’s absorbed and then another few hours
If you have a small bowl you could put baby in so it doesn’t try ti move and rupture that yolk
Baby 2 I can’t see what’s going on but there shouldn’t be anything leaking nor should there be blood in the air cell end
I’m thinking possibly baby was backwards
I hope not as yellow stuff leaking would be yolk if that was the case
It’s important that we give them plenty of time to hatch before helping
My safety holes are no bigger then the pin of a tac
They stay like that until I need ti fully assist 2 days later if they need it
All they need is a little hole for air

This is what the black one is like now. I think the yolk is absorbing but what should I do now? It is still attached to the egg. I don’t want to do anything else wrong 😢
View attachment 3789515

This is what the black one is like now. I think the yolk is absorbing but what should I do now? It is still attached to the egg. I don’t want to do anything else wrong 😢
Sorry I didn't see it sooner
As long as baby is not moving away from the egg then leave baby be but if baby is then put baby in a cup with the shell
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How is baby now @Mummytomany ???
Still attached to the egg but only just. It has definitely retracted a lot but I’m not holding out much hope for the baby. It seems very weak. I think it is trying to detach itself but from a lying position not on two feet. It’s also not fluffed up yet and it’s been out for 24 hours. I have tried dipping its beak into a little bit of sugar water. It is in the incubator next to the other ducklings so it can hear them but I don’t want them to injure the nub which is still sticking out a bit

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