Day old duckling vent issue


In the Brooder
May 21, 2024
I know that the umbilical cord is supposed to just fall off on it own but I think the dried up gunk may be sealing it’s vent. Also has a piece of eggshell stuck in it. I don’t know if I should try removing it and risk injuring it or letting it be and risk it not being able to pass any of the water it’s drinking. HELP!
I know that the umbilical cord is supposed to just fall off on it own but I think the dried up gunk may be sealing it’s vent. Also has a piece of eggshell stuck in it. I don’t know if I should try removing it and risk injuring it or letting it be and risk it not being able to pass any of the water it’s drinking. HELP!View attachment 3839570
idk cuz i never hatched my own ducklings(yet) but I should think keep it moist somehow like a small wet cloth to help it unstick @New duck mommy 2021 @Luv Ducks
I put my little Call Duckling that was shipped to me in warm water several times a day to loosen up something that seemed like a plug in its vent. Finally after doing this for a few days I was able to gently pick at the lump of whatever it was and get it off of it. After that its pasty butt went away and it started gaining weight and ended up being fine. Good luck with your little one. The sink I put it in was not deep, just enough to cover it's bottom. Once the plug got out it had an explosive poop and then the pasty butt went away and it thrived.
I had to gently pick at mine's vent and that is how I found the plug that was causing the problem. You might want to feel around by the vent and see if you can feel anything that feels hard or a lump.
it was def the umbilical that just made its way too far back and the poop just started to build up. i soaked it in a shallow sink of warm water and broke most of it way from the area but I didnt break all of it off. i seen somewhere that you can pull their guts out or something??

either way a little green poop shot out. poor baby needed that relief im sure!!
I had to gently pick at mine's vent and that is how I found the plug that was causing the problem. You might want to feel around by the vent and see if you can feel anything that feels hard or a lump.
ok now i'm not sure what the heck i cleared lol
can you tell by the pic if thats the vent or the belly button? i'm not up to speed on my duck anatomy 😅
image0 (10).jpeg
The vent will be farther down from where the umbilicus is looking at the picture it is hard to tell what it is since it's pretty big clump of stuff. Post a most recent pic since you have been working on it.
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The vent will be farther down from where the umbilicus is looking at the picture it is hard to tell what it is since it's pretty big clump or stuff. Post a most recent pic since you have been working on it.
I've been able to clear the area but it seems we have a failure to thrive situation on our hands. 2 days old and can't walk without falling on it's back. I'm adding brewer's yeast to the water on the very off chance it's a niacin deficiency but I don't have high hopes. A lot to process for our second hatchling.

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