Hatching Time basket modification for goose eggs?


13 Years
Apr 10, 2011
Maybe my hands are just shaky, but my eggs always roll when I put the basket in and out and the basket is a little too narrow to easily slide onto both rails. Does anyone have any modifications they use?
Maybe my hands are just shaky, but my eggs always roll when I put the basket in and out and the basket is a little too narrow to easily slide onto both rails. Does anyone have any modifications they use?
Not sure of your configuration as I'm not familiar with that incubator, but have you tried shelf liner, or cut in half egg cartons, or similar to keep them from rolling? Some folks use rope, like in an S shape, to prevent eggs rolling about during hatching. I use foam/elastomeric standard shelf liner in my NurtureRight 360 and it works great to give the eggs traction so they roll when turned and don't just slip on the bottom of the hard plastic incubator. That could decrease rolling because it's a bit grippy. Good luck!

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