Head Shaking & Itchy or Sore Ear for Poor Sara - Your Thoughts Please!

Picky Chicky

11 Years
Sep 22, 2008
Holly Grove, VA
Sara is our sweet 2.5 year old German Shepherd. I've noticed with increasing frequency that she will randomly shake her head. Just as randomly she'll dig at her right ear and whine a little. I've looked in her ears and they're as clean as a whistle! I'm familiar with what ear mites look like and the gunk that goes with them, and this just doesn't look the same. I've taken a warm wash cloth and wiped gently inside to see if it brought out anything but it didn't aside from a little bit of dirt - she seemed to be in heaven while I was rubbing the inside of her ear.

I would guesstimate this behavior occuring maybe three or four times a night. She doesn't seem unhappy or sick and she doesn't mind me or flinch when touching her head or her ears.

Once some of this snow melts I'll probably take her to the vet, but I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on what this could be. It seems to be happening just a littlie too frequently for everything to seem normal.

A picture of my baby girl:

Last year... getting caught white snouted eating snow
eh, Dusti has been doing that sort of thing too. Too much head shaking IMO. My cats had ear mites 2 years ago and I'm familar with them, but Dusti's ears are like you say -- almost pristine! Her ears were stinky after a round of abx so I figured yeast - I fed her my probiotics till they didn't smell anymore. I'm now feeding her livestock probiotics for other skin irritations. Not sure if it's helping though, so after Christmas she'll probably to to the vet again. Guess I can ask then.

She just came in from outside and smells like she found something to roll in
I just looooove trying to give a big dog a bath indoors when it's cold out
Thanks for the note! I didn't think about the 'sniff test'... just smelled both ears and they smelled normal... funky, but like regular doggie funk. Sara is definitely overdue for a bath. Thank goodness DH offered to bathe her before relatives come over later this week. Then again, with all the snow on the ground, I figure she'll just get all funky again. Ahhh... the joys of puppers.
Thanks for the note! I didn't think about the 'sniff test'... just smelled both ears and they smelled normal... funky, but like regular doggie funk. Sara is definitely overdue for a bath. Thank goodness DH offered to bathe her before relatives come over later this week. Then again, with all the snow on the ground, I figure she'll just get all funky again. Ahhh... the joys of puppers.

Dusti's feet used to smell like corn chips, I guess they still do. Now her whole body has taken on the smell. We raw feed and she has never smelled before. I know dogs get smellier with age, but I thought that meant OLD age. She's only 2.5 like yours!

Anyway, I think there might have been a dead squirrel around here a few days ago....wouldn't be surprised if that's what caused this MOST RECENT smell problem
This product is good for dogs and cats. It seems to really soothe the itching.


This article is very helpfull and informative too.

Food allergies can cause itching ears as well. Corn,wheat, and soy are all potential allergins to Dogs. Also dogs can develope allergies in the form of itchy ears, toes stomach etc. from emvoirmental factors too. New carpet is one example. Salmon oil with added vit. E has an anti-inflamatory effect that can really help dogs dealing with itching. I try to avoid using any type of steroids as these are just a type of "band aid", getting to the cause of the problem is the most important IMO.

You should have a vet look in her ears. Dogs ears are "L" shaped so you can only see about 1/2 way down. She could have an inner ear infection, or something like a foxtail/tick/grass seed imbedded in her ear. There are a lot of things it could be: ear infection, foreign object in the ear, yeast infection, ruptured ear drum, fungal infection, inflammation... Dogs rarely get ear mites, but can be prone to a lot of other issues. Head shaking is a HUGE sign that there is something going on, definitely worth getting it looked at before it turns into a full infection.
I agree with post above... It could even be an insect... That would be deeply disturbing... an ant or spider.. You probably don't want that in there....A person if the dog was willing could pour warm Olive Oil in the ear and drown whatever it is.. This shouldn't hurt an ear infection and may even smother mites... It is an old remedy and works well if you have a willing participant. (this only if you can't get to a vet)
I agree with lemurchaser.

I'm going to agree also. My parents dog always does that when she has and ear infection.

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