Help! Liquid in air cells!


In the Brooder
Apr 6, 2024
Hello! This will be second time, I got problems with incubating... šŸ˜­

So, I have turkey and chicken eggs, wich I added week later. After that havent opened incubator and was keeping eye on temp and humidity. Temp. 37,5 CĀ° and humidity around 40 - 55, maybe 60% when freshly added water.

On day 24(!!!) I saw two turkey eggs piped! Started lockdown right away, lowered temp to 37 CĀ°, rised humidity to 60 - 70% and in two days succsesfully hatched 4 turkeys and one chicken!
When I was putting them away from egg mover, I also candled rest of eggs and they were deffinetly alive and moving.

And now the Problem arrived - its now day 29 and nobody else hasnt even pipped... One piped externaly short after first ones, but died, got its beak stuck in hardened liquid or drowned in it... I had bad feeling about this, becouse previous time, when hatching, there was similar situation, so decided to candle them again...
Nobody's moving, there are liquid in some eggs air cells, one turkey had made internal pip, but died inside... Some eggs looks fine, without any liquid, but I cant see any movement... Can they start to move less when close to hatching? Or are they all dead? Those with liquid, I suppose, are 100% dead, right?
Help, what Im doing wrong? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
When any poultry is within a couple days of hatching, it's hard to see movement when candling. That's why I don't bother candling that late. I candle around 1 week, and then again when I do the 5-day lockdown. Most do 3 days. I just do 5 as these silkies tend to surprise me sometimes.

Yes, they will nearly fill the whole egg up with darkness and we can't make out heads or tails out of it. That's the exciting part to come then!

Congrats for what you've hatched and here's hoping you get many more! :love
When any poultry is within a couple days of hatching, it's hard to see movement when candling. That's why I don't bother candling that late. I candle around 1 week, and then again when I do the 5-day lockdown. Most do 3 days. I just do 5 as these silkies tend to surprise me sometimes.

Yes, they will nearly fill the whole egg up with darkness and we can't make out heads or tails out of it. That's the exciting part to come then!

Congrats for what you've hatched and here's hoping you get many more! :love
Thank you, your answer did brought a little hope for some of eggs! šŸ„³

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