Mama is done w chicks, now theyre on their own.


May 26, 2023
Lake County California
Hello! I have a mama who is done w her chicks. They seem kinda small still about 5 weeks old. Theyve been in the flock the whole time w mom. But now mama isnt protecting them. One was killed by a feral cat yesterdayšŸ˜„ And the other 2 float around the outskirts of the flock because theyre being charged at to go away. Nothing terrible or violent. Im watching like a hawk now. I just feel bad for them! Im a newbie.The flock eventually will accept them? Just wanting some others experience w this. Thanks!
I've had a broody raise within the flock once, but my experience was similar. The babies seem to operate as a little sub-flock and have to wisen up a bit once she's finished... I relied on my chicken run to keep them around my rooster and the other chickens enough to hear alerts and such, but I easily could have lost a few. I have smaller enclosed areas within the run I use for hospital/segregation if someone needs more monitoring than usual. You could try a smaller space for them until they are a bit bigger and wiser, like @nuthatched suggests!
I've had a broody raise within the flock once, but my experience was similar. The babies seem to operate as a little sub-flock and have to wisen up a bit once she's finished... I relied on my chicken run to keep them around my rooster and the other chickens enough to hear alerts and such, but I easily could have lost a few. I have smaller enclosed areas within
Ok thanks! Ive been wondering if thats best. Its been stressful! I justdidnt wanna make it harderfor the flock to accept them later. Not sure if it wld.

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