Neighbor's cat getting into chickens! Help!!

Hey Guys,
Okay so I am having trouble with a domesticated cat getting into the chickens. We were going to solve the problem by well ending his/her life until we found she belonged to a neighbor, I have not had chickens until the beginning of this summer and have no idea what else to do. I wondered if anyone has had the same how they fixed it or if anyone has any ideas. They are free range chickens because it just breaks my heart to see them cages up. We have seen it every day since last month but we have chased it away from our yard just about every time. Help!!!! I also have an abused white silkies (because we had mean roosters) and I don't think that she has enough feathers for body heat to get her through the winter because every morning we let her out of their coop and she is shaking. I was thinking about making chickens saddles to help but don't know if that would help her at all! Thank you!
My daughter is having same issues with a feral cat, decapitated the chickens their free range also and had to pen them up,was looking for solutions due to law you can't trap the cats and if take to humane society they release back into where they got them. But you can shoot them to protect your livestock which doesn't make sense. Did you find a answer

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