Picture of Well Bred Silver Laced Wyandotte Rooster

chicks for better health

11 Years
May 4, 2008
West Glenville, NY
I am looking for a picture of a Rooster that meets the Silver Laced Wyandotte Rooster Breed Standard

I have several roosters in my flock and am trying to pick the one to use for my breeding project. If you have a picture can you please post it.

I am at work right now so I cant upload a good picture of one of my SLW roos....but

Use this link to go to my SLW page on my website, this roo pictured is only about 8 months old in this picture, he has grown out alot since then and looks better...however you can get an idea of what he looks like and he is decent show quality. I recently aquired a really nice SLW roo from Canada but I dont have any pictures of him yet.


Nice SLW...I am guess you got them from Bill Guardhouse? He has great stock!

Was there very many Large Fowl SLW at the show NEPC show?
You *cough* ever selling hatching eggs????
Someone approached me after I purchased these birds & told me whose stock they were down from... now I wrote it down but darned if I can find the piece of paper!! I know the last name started with an"O" and the name is like..."Oberton...or maybe "Overton"?? I will put a call in to the fella I purchased them from & find out.

I do hope to have some hatching eggs once they get settled in & start breeding.
This might help.

FIRST all wyandottes should conform to the same body style Standard.

If you look at your bird from the side it should resemble a big heart. Nice rounded chest, medium back. The think is the cushion or feathers leading up to the tail should be very full , giving the appearance of a short back.
*This is a major fault in most laced colored Wyandottes. That why you don't see them win many shows.

Looking at the bird from the rear and looking down at the bird, it should be wide bodied, remember this was developed to be a duel purpose bird.

The other major problem with the laced variety is a good rose comb. The best way to know what it should look like is go to a show and look at a winning bird. I can tell you something that is easy to spot. A rose comb must have a spike , if it does not, it is an instant disqualification. The rest of the bird could be flawless but that wont matter in a show.

Lastly , they should be a good layer of medium to large eggs (however in the US egg laying isnt really judged. This is only important if you want to adhere to want the original breed was developed for.

I hope this is allowed. This bird has excellent body conformation. See how it looks like a big heart.
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Your thinking of Gary Overton...he is not from Canada and he is a poultry judge. He does have SLW...I actually have some of his stock too...

I hear that heart shaped thing alot too...but it would need to be a heart shape with a very, very rounded bottom. Not a "V" shape..agreed? When raising wyandottes think round...really almost like a call duck...nice round head, nice depth to the body, round under carriage.....short beak...ect.

IMHO laced colored wyandottes have harder feathers than the solid colored whites no matter what you do, so the back is not going to have the rise that the whites have and its nearly impossible for a SLW to beat a White because the white is a pretty easy color to get right..on the other hand a SL is really hard to get the color and lacing perfect.

Here is a pic of one of my pullets and you can see the rounded undercarriage, also she has a nice big head...needs more rise in the tail though..but she is pretty decent.


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Jerry she is just beautiful.
How do you breed the black? Is it just black to black? Do you have a picture of your black?

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