PLEASE HELP!!! - Chicks not moving


10 Years
May 28, 2009
North Carolina
Quick question for those who incubate!!
I have 6x serama eggs in the incubator and they were moving last night - you could see the eggs rocking.. They were not supposed to go into lockdown into this morning so they rotated for another 8 hours... DID I KILL THEM!!! they are not moving today so of course I candled them and saw no movement. (Eggs looked the same as day 14 - healthy) My incubator is digital and I had clear instructions that they hatch in 19days and quite turning at 16 days - humidity has been great the whole time!!


should I just be patient - do they quite moving right before hatch - they were set to hatch sun/mon!!
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I do know chicks need to rest a lot when hatching. I know nothing about sermas, I know most chickens take 21 days to hatch and a few longer than that if conditions arent quite right. I would just be patient and keep an eye on um . Hope this bump get some info for ya from someone who knows sermas. Best of luck to ya.
I also have Serama eggs in the incubator right now. 7 at day 10 and 2 at day 16.
About the moving. the chicks are growing fast. So space is getting tighter and tighter. chicks that had enough movement to rock an egg yesterday may be getting to cramped today.
Although Seramas can hatch as early as day 19 it can also be day 21 before they do. Like everything else about Seramas nothing is consistent. Sounds like things are going much better for you than they are for me. I started with a total of 28 eggs. on that note keep in mind Serama eggs are difficult at best to incubate. i have been told the best way to hatch them is with a hen.
Good Luck
I freaked so I candled eggs before posting - would that have hurt anything?? no pipping or zip yet

no more touching - I have told my husband that I am not allowed to touch!!!
If you are on lockdown, you are right BACK AWAY FROM THE BATOR!

ETA: But no you probably didn't hurt anything. However, if there is a pip at all DO NOT open the bator. It will dry it out and it will be shrink wrapped.
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so I just hatch a batch of 30! to put your mind at ease I hatch about 19 RR at 21 exactly I thought that aruacanas/mixed weren't going to hatched candeld them everyday didn't have the heart to get rid of them freakishly hatched at day 23 and day 24, I don't know but they are 4-5 days old now and going strong!

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