Rosemary and mites


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 6, 2012
So I was at a farm field trip and the gal was talking about rubbing rosemary in your hands and then rubbing your cat or dog to get rid of fleas.. Just wondering if this is true with chickens and mites.. Although never even thought about maybe rosemary is poisonous to chickens! Thank you!
For what it's worth, my chickens won't eat rosemary, when the freshly picked plants are thrown into the run.

I would imagine that rubbing it on the chickens might prevent them from settling in, but since it would be on the outside of the feathers likely would do little for any mites already on the skin.

I forgot where I read it(but I printed out a list) but there are a tons of herbs that help with different chicken ailments. it said to line their nests with the herbs to help the eggs, chicks, and hens, and they don't even have to eat it if they don't want to, and non of it is harmful. But rosemary was said to help with minor pain, respitory problems, and is an insecticide. other insecticidal herbs are catnip(and sedative), lavender(and helps with stress), mint(also rodent repellant), nasturtium(helps with laying, is a mild antiseptic, antiboitic, and wormer also!), peppermint(anti parasite too), and spearmint(antiseptic, and stimulates nerve, brain, and blood!)

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