Sebrights are they really hard to find?


11 Years
Jun 13, 2008
North Louisiana
We recently saw some Golden Sebrights at a local petting zoo/farm but I was immediately able to tell that they were not very good quality birds or were not well taken care of even though I'd never laid eyes on one before. Which is why we left there empty handed. Anyway, I went straight home and started looking for them. After searching BYC for hours on end it seems to me that they are either rare or not very popular. Which is it? Does anyone know why they are so hard to find from except from hatcheries? Am i missing something?
I dunno...
I'm looking for golden sebrights myself. I haven't been able to find any locally yet. I haven't given up hope yet though

I have 2 Golden Sebright Roos, 1 Silver Sebright Roo, 2 Golden Hens, 1 Silver Hen. I might be getting rid of one of the golden roos.
I had a pair that I bought locally, but recently my pullet died. I, too, am looking for some more. I am absolutely in love with this breed. All I have found were from hatcheries.
my hens are verrrry sweet and love to jump on my shoulders right when I walk into the coop. The roos though are a bit flighty, and one of em flogs my feet so I hang him upside down so he learns his lesson and he dosn't do it again, he still loves to attack my mother I heard her screaming the other day, ran outside and she was throwing the loaf of bread that she was going to feed to them at the roo.
Show quality Sebrights are hard to come by. They are rare because they are very difficult to breed. They have extremely short backs which makes mating difficult and weakens fertility. The lacing and perfect, complete hen feathering is a challenge to breed. People just don't like to bother with them. A friend of mine has had them for several years now and just got his first 10 chicks ever. Beautiful birds, just difficult to breed.
I always see a bunch at shows--I think it is probably a question of where you are located versus where different breeders are located. When I first got silkies they were extremely hard to find in Arizona; now there are a lot of folks here with them.

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