Squatting Rooster - what does it mean?


Feb 29, 2020
Central Arkansas
I have two Silkie roosters whom I have recently separated for from the flock for purposes of rehoming. They are currently housed together in a cage for companionship. One of the roosters was the low guy on the totem pole. Since I have them isolated from other chickens, I have tried spending time with them daily to keep them tame & docile. I have noticed that the roo who was the lowest on the pecking order will come over to which ever side of the cage I'm on and he will squat down really low while kicking his feet. He never attacks or acts aggressive and he doesn't ever look at the ground while he's exhibiting this scratching behavior.

Just wondering what it might mean? Has anyone else ever seen this type of behavior in a rooster?
Post pics of your rooster, chances are it is a she not a he.
Oh no... Most definitely a rooster. He crows quite loudly, tried to breed the hens before the dominant roo had him cowering in the coop and afraid to come outside. He also has streamers, a big red walnut comb, and roo tail feathers. His gender is not in question...

But I will try to get some video to show his weird squatting...

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