Shown is framed out coop. The base is on landscape timbers that are sloped on the ends to allow it to be slid or rolled on poles. Most of the lumber is left over from previous projects. The base is 4'x6' and is 7' tall.

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The front panel is attached. The door has self-closing hinges so it will close behind me when entering the coop. I first installed the plywood. Then I attached the hinges, cut the opening for the door after marking the corners by drilling a hole from the inside of each corner. This made for an accurate opening.

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Here is the poop tray and roosting bar at the back of the coop.

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The nesting boxes are attached to the outside of the left side of the coop. The lid is hinged and makes collecting eggs easy without disturbing the hens or letting them escape.

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I have installed the windows on both sides. Cut the opening for the POP door. If you look carefully, you can see the hardware cloth in the eaves the provide ventilation and keep the critters out.

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The inside has been painted and the floor has Black Jack 57. The paint is discount/return that you can get at the hardware store. The ramp to access the roost is laying on the poop tray.

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Another view of the nesting boxes. Notice that the lid overhangs the box to prevent water or snow from getting into the boxes.

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This view is inside the run of the POP door opening to the coop. The run is firmly attached to the coop to prevent critter access. The red/blue container is the water bucket. It is available from Premier1. It uses nipples and is covered to prevent contamination. I just add water regularly. It is heated for winter.

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Inside of the coop floor and nesting boxes is covered with softwood shavings. The poop tray is filled with SweetPDZ. I can't recommend this product enough. It is an ammonia adsorbing product and it really works! My coop does not smell at all. This photo was taken before my hens got used to using the roosting bar so there is poop on the floor. It doesn't happen anymore. I just scoop the poop every few days like you would kitty litter and save it as compost for my garden. Notice the hen sitting in the nesting box.

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This is what the poop tray looks like when freshly scooped.

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My hens roosting at night.

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This is my original setup pretty much as given to us. The green tube is the feeder we bought. Being covered, the food does not get wet and since you add from the top, the chickens are always eating the oldest food first. It is available from Rugged Ranch.


My completed coop and run. We added to the run to give the chickens more room when they don't get to free-range in the back yard.

My hens must be happy with the new coop and run. We get 4-5 eggs a day from the 5 of them.