Paws & Claws ~A Wolf RP~ Archives
This is where I'll post the forms of everyone's wolves of Paws & Claws ~A Wolf RP~, so hopefully, we can all keep track. :)

Dune Pack:

Alpha Male: Vortex by @Anime2lover
Name: vortex
Gender: male
Mate: Alpha female
Age: 3 yr
Pack: Dune pack
Rank: Alpha male
Perso: vortex is a smart wolf who uses his head before his muscles. He is also daring and cunning. He is a natural born leader. He cares for his pack a lot.
Physical Description: he is a medium sized wolf with green eyes, and black fur. He is completely missing his tail and has a large scar down his front right leg.
Bio: he was born to the former Alphas. He didn't originally want to be Alpha, preffering to chase she-wolves, and was a player to some degree as well youngster. He actually had a crush on another wolf as a pup but her parents caused turbulence in the pack and they were kicked out. He eventually took over when his parents passed and finally chose a mate.
Other: (Optional)

Alpha Female: Adolpha by @Mary Poopins Love
Name: Adolpha
Gender: Female
Mate: The male Alpha
Age: 3 in human, 21 in dog
Pack: Dune pack
Rank: Alpha
Personality: good tempered and sticks up for the lower wolves. Eats first but eats just what she needs, doesn't stuff herself. Can be VERY protective and not afraid to fight to the death. Patient and kind
Physical Description: Large but skinny, athletic, Light gray and white fur, white marks on all her legs. Amber eyes. The upper part of her left ear was bitten off. Has a circle of sand-dollars around her neck
Backstory: Was raised by Alpha wolves, hid in a cave when a fight broke out in her pack. Joined the Dune Pack and her good looks won the Alpha's son over

Beta: Mac by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Mac
Gender: Male
Mate: None
Age: 2 years
Pack: Dune Pack
Rank: Beta
Personality: Happy and playful. He's about as harmless as they get until he needs, or shall I say, dares to protect or fight. He wants to see the best for his pack and loves keeping the peace, even if he's the reason for the fighting.
Physical Description: Average Grey Wolf markings in appearance. A little larger than average in size. Has a small scar on his left thigh.
Backstory: Mac has always lived in Dune Pack, where nothing too unusual has happened in his life. One day, while exploring with his pack on the rocky cliffs by the ocean, he slipped on a rock and fell about ten feet. He didn't get any major injuries except for the small scar on his left thigh.
Other: So far, all my characters in RPs have been based on characters in my stories. Mac's original character is a second-in-command to a mean leader named Jerry, whom Mac sees as his best friend, and would do anything to please. As far as his scar, that really happened to my real Mac, and it was not planned, but a real-life accident. The thing that isn't real is the original Mac didn't fall off a cliff by the ocean, but off a large boulder by a lake, and the real distance was different.

Beta:Talis by @RDchicken99
Name: Talis
Gender: Female
Mate: None, she has an inkling of a crush on Mac.
Age: 1 1/2 years
Pack: Dune pack
Rank: Beta
Personality: Shy, she keeps to herself. When she chooses to speak up, it’s always something worthwhile, she doesn’t waste her words.
Physical Description: Middling in size. She has a light, tawny coat with white patches.
Backstory: (Optional) TBD
Other: (Optional) TBD


Mid Rankers:
Mid Rank: Priscilla by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Priscilla
Gender: Female
Mate: None
Age: 1.5 years
Pack: Dune Pack
Rank: Mid Rank
Personality: Caring, kind, and friendly. She's not one to take risks.
Physical Description: All white with blue eyes. Average size.
Backstory: She has lived in the Dune Pack her whole life and has never dared to leave her pack's territory.
Other: Priscilla is one of my newer characters, so she might change some throughout the RP as I further develop her character.

Mid Rank: Lupin by @Mary Poopins Love
Name: Lupin
Gender: male
Mate: none
Age: 40 in dog years
Pack: Dune pack
Rank: Mid rank
Personality: good fighter, funny when he wants to be, wise and trusting, good with pups
Physical Description: Very big. dark and light brown fur with Yellow eyes

Mid Rank: Helen by @Shabby Chic-Hens
Name: Helen
Gender: female
Mate: none
Age: 3
Pack: dune
Rank: mid rank
Personality: usually kind, but does not mind getting into a fight if necessary. Often has thoughts against her pack, but swallows them. Wishes to have pups when she finds her mate.
Physical Description: smaller wolf, has a darker grey spot towards her left ear.

Mid Rank: Skye by @Lovely Lettie
Name: Skye
Gender: Female
Mate: None (As of yet)
Age: 3
Pack: Dune pack
Rank: Mid rank
Personality: Daring, fierce, clever, fast, high spirited.
Physical Description: Slim wolf with snow white fur and a black splash on her forehead and yellow eyes.

Mid Rank: Faith by @cluckmecoop7
Name: Faith
Gender: Female
Mate: none
Age: 1 yr 3 months
Pack: Dune
Rank: Mid-ranker
Personality: Shy at first, quiet, has ptsd from past trauma, is slow to trust, and likes to be alone at times.
Physical Description: Average size, brown wavy fur with lighter highlights, striking deep blue eyes.
Backstory: (Optional) tbd
Other: (Optional)

Mid Rank: Raven by @ChickenLover 3
Name: Raven
Gender:  Female
Mate: None
Age: 13 in dog years
Pack: Dune
Rank: Midrank
Personality: Friendly and outgoing. A kind wolf who will help any wolf in need. She's been known to cover for young wolves who got themselves in trouble.
Physical Description: Deep black with blue eyes. Her left front paw is twisted, giving her a slight limp, because her mother rolled over on her as a pup.
Backstory: She and her parents (her parents were captured by humans) were loners. Hunters from Dune Pack discovered her crying in the forest alone when she was a month old.
Other: (Optional) TBD

Mid Rank: Lilly by @Anime2lover
Name: lilly
Gender: female
Mate: none
Age: 1 yr
Pack: Dune pack
Rank: mid rank
Perso: Lilly is a hyper and playful wolfdog with a love for games. She is often seen as silly and stubborn. But don't let that side of her fool you. She has a really serious side that comes out when hunting and during dangerous situations.
Physical Description:
Screenshot_20230525-190243_MediBang Paint.jpg

the pic above (as a puppy and adult.)
Bio: Lilly was actually born in a sanctuary for wolves. Her mother was pregnant with a husky's puls when she got injured by hunters and was rescued. However, they deemed it not safe to release her. So she had her pups there. Lilly was 5 months old when they decided to transfer her and her family to another sanctuary. However, the transfer vehicle got into an accident wich sent them careening down a steep hill. The impact was enough to break open the stransport crate. However, it also killed her family. She was lucky to survive with minor injuries, so she ran out of fear. Far enough to find herself in dunepack territory. She was adopted by the Alphas at the time, so is vortex's younger adopted sibling.
Other: she looked mostly like a wolf pup when she was a pup so they didn't know she was of mixed blood until she was already training to be a midranker.

Mid Rank: Rune (aka Crow) by @RoosterWhisperer
Name: Rune (aka crow)
Gender: Female
Mate: None
Age: 2.5 years old
Pack: Dune
Rank: Mid ranker
Personality: Kind but reserved around strangers. She’s a good hunter as well as a listener. She loves to collect trinkets, especially feathers, hence her namesake.
Sometimes she can have her bad days, but she’ll work em out. Loyal to the death of her loved ones and close friends.
Physical Description: Black with yellow eyes. Medium/agile body. All four paws are the same size.
Backstory: To be RPed
Other: @Lacy Duckwing :)

Mid Rank: Carrie by @BBs_chicks
1 year
Dune Pack
mid rank
Playful, hyper, not cautious
Physical Description:
light grey, brown eyes, average size

Pup: Eagle by @Anime2lover
Name: eagle
Gender: male
Mate: to young
Age: 4 months
Pack: dunepack
Rank: pup
Perso: eagle is quick witted and smart. He is also really carefree and playful. He loves to romp around, especially when it gets him covered in mud and dirt.
Physical Description: in the pic
Screenshot_20230516-213912_MediBang Paint.jpg

Bio: eagle was born to a couple midrankers that got permission. He is an only pup that gets his parents full attention.
Other: due to lack of food during the early pregnancy, he was born blind in one eye. Though you would never notice if he didn't tell you.

Pup: Storm by @ChickenLover 3
Name:  Storm
Gender:  Female
Mate: None, too young
Age: 4 months
Pack: Dune
Rank: Pup
Personality: Shy but very kind and friendly once she gets to know someone.
Physical Description: Grey with black flecks, white muzzle
Backstory: (Optional) Storm's parents are of course the alpha pair. Her father was killed in an attack by a grizzly bear.
Other: (Optional) TBD

Pup: Maverick by @Mary Poopins Love
Name: Maverick
Gender: Male
Mate: None
Age: 3 months
Pack: Dune
Rank: pup
Personality: Playful and loving. Mature and smart. Loves to pretend he's alpha and the other pups are his pack
Physical Description: Too small for his age. smooth gray fur with soft brown eyes. Walks with a slight limp from a bobcat attack 2 months ago. Hard of hearing in one of his ears from the same attack. He has a jagged scar running from his forehead to his nose.
Backstory: He was born to mid-rankers but they died protecting him from the bobcat. He has been taken care of by Adolpha ever since.
Other: won't listen to anyone except the Alphas

Pup: Whippoorwill 'Whip' by @RDchicken99
Name: Whippoorwill ’Whip‘
Gender: Male
Age: 4 weeks
Pack: Dune pack
Rank: Pup
Personality: As cheery as they come, Whip is always full of vim and vigor. His energy can make him rather foolhardy, and his hearing gets him into as much trouble as his personality does.
Physical Description: A dark brindle color, the tips of his ears are floppy.
Other: He was born fully deaf, although it doesn’t seem to hinder him much.


Loner: Esper by @Anime2lover
Name: esper
Gender: female
Mate: no
Age: 2 yr
Pack: none
Rank: loner
Perso: esper is confident, strong willed, and stubborn. She is also picky about how she looks and always keeps her fur it tip top shape. She loves to run and is really agile, making it relatively easy for her to keep herself fed on rabbits, so she isn't to skinny. She can be playful and loves to explore.
Physical Description: she is a reddish brown color with long fluffy fur. She has a tall slim build, perfect for running and agility. With large forward facing ears and golden eyes. She is missing a piece of her left ear and often carries herself in a proud manner.
Bio: esper was born in a small pack. Her mother was the alpha female, her father died a few months after she was born. The pack lived peacefully until some dangerous humans (poachers and illegal hunters) spotted the pack and hunted them down when she was about 9 months old. She managed to escape but got separated on her own. She has been part of a loner group for a short while before they dispersed. She has been on her own for about 4 months since then.
Other: (Optional)

Loner: Amerock by @Mary Poopins Love
Name: Amerock
Gender: male
Mate: None
Age: 25 in dog yrs
Pack: none
Rank: Loner
Personality: cautious and good fighter/hunter
Physical Description: He is all black except for white spots on his ears, tip of his tail, all his feet, and his chest. His right foreleg is kept the same, missing.
Backstory: Was kicked out of his pack because of his disability
Other: can only take down big prey if he can kill it quickly.

Loner: Cody by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Cody
Gender: Male
Mate: None
Age: 1.5 years
Pack: None
Rank: Loner
Personality: Athletic, cunning, and daring. Cool, once you get to know him; a fighter, if you don't.
Physical Description: Dark grey fur covering most of his body. Black fur on his muzzle, chest, belly, and on the tip of his tail and ears. White stocking paws and dark blue eyes.
Backstory: Cody was banished from his first pack when he was very young for reasons he'll never talk about. He joined a small pack of wolves who were runaways from other packs. Survival grew too tough for the new pack, so they conversed to return to their old packs. Cody stood against them, trying to convince them to keep trying as a pack. They despised him for that and said he was only trying to kill them instead. They abandoned him on a hunt and he's never seen them again. Since hand, he's been traveling and has just arrived in Dune Pack's territory.
Other: He was in the Antler Mountains RP as a pup, but in this RP, he won't have any history from that RP.

Paws & Claws ~A Wolf RP~ List of Characters by Members

This is where everyone's characters are listed together to be easier to find when one wants to know who all their characters are.

@Lacy Duckwing's Characters:

Beta: Mac
Mid Rank: Priscilla
Loner: Cody

@Mary Poopins Love's Characters:

Alpha Female: Adolpha
Mid Rank: Lupin
Loner: Amerock
Pup: Maverick

@Shabby Chic-Hens 's Characters:

Mid Rank: Helen

@Lovely Lettie's Characters:

Mid Rank: Skye

@cluckmecoop7's Characters:

Mid Rank: Faith

@ChickenLover 3's Characters:

Mid Rank: Raven
Pup: Storm

@Anime2lover's Characters:

Alpha Male: Vortex
Pup: Eagle
Loner: Esper
Mid Rank: Lilly

@RoosterWhisperer's Characters:

Mid Rank: Rune (aka Crow)

@RDchicken99 's Characters:

Beta: Talis
Pup: Whippoorwill 'Whip'

@BBs_chicks' Characters:

Mid Rank: Carrie
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