Three French Hens Coop

When I was a kid, my grandfather had about 30 hens in an enclosed coop (1970's) and supplied the neighbourhood with fresh eggs (for a modest price). When I had kids of my own, was living "in town" and heard them refer to a squirrel as a "wild animal", I thought "Hmmm... these kids need more exposure to animals"... thus was born our first urban chicken adventure.

We call it our "Three French Hens Coop" ... you'll see why. It was built using mostly recycled material as well as a bit of new plywood (mostly for the roof & egg box). Let me start with the finished product & then I'll tell you how we got there:


First let me tell you about the site:

There was a narrow swath of land (2-3m / 6-9') between our garage and a concrete walkway leading up a slope, into the backyard. We chose the site for the following reasons:
  • We could enjoy watching them from the kitchen window.
  • It was quite sheltered from wind - nestled up against the garage (a couple of bushes and yew shrub would also provide some shelter from winter winds and summer sun).
  • Being on a slope and being covered with limestone, it was very well draining... meaning that any smell would be greatly diminished.
The only drawback (if you can call them that) during the build is that working in between the garage and the lilac made for fairly tight quarters by times.


The Build:

I started out by putting four post-spikes into the ground - 4x4 posts and 2x4s would make up the basic frame. I wanted things to be solid and I didn't want the posts to be in direct contact with the ground, to avoid any moisture rot (even though I used treated posts).
  • The Plan: I wish I could share plans with you but there were none... I was building as I went (with all the adjusting that that entails) it was roughly 4'x4' I think.
  • Materials: The 4x4s were new, but the 2x4s were recycled from a couple of fence panels that had blown over and that I'd decided not to replace. Floor boards were also new.
  • No fancy tools... just a jigsaw, a drill with screwdriver bits and an old-fashioned manual hammer! :)
  • I also used galvanized brackets to attach the 2x4s to the posts... looking for sturdiness.

Starting to close things in:

  • Here you can see that I'm using some of the recycled fence boards to close in the walls
  • You can also see the poop door that the hens will use to go in & out.
  • I had a rigid plastic piece that would provide underlay for some spare vinyl flooring that I had laying around.

  • In the next picture you'll see the egg box going on and you may notice that there's some chicken wire on the far wall... that's a ventilation window... I'll give you a better look at that later.

The Door (below):

I made the door using some old wooden shutters that I'd picked up at a flea market and had been keeping "for some neat project" (that was many moons in the making... they'd FINALLY found their purpose!)


On the inside... A double layer (below):
I built this coop when we were living on the east coast of Canada so winter temps could get very chilly. For this reason, I covered the initial walls (vertically installed, 1" thick, leftover fence boards) with a combination of leftover tongue & groove pine, plywood and another wooden shutter. This would help cut down on any drafts and help keep the girls warm. During really cold spells, I rigged up a low wattage light on an extension cord, plugged into the garage, just to keep the cold at bay - nothin' fancy but it did the trick.

You can also get a better look of that ventilation window, behind my daughter.


The Chicken Run:
Below you can see the run, including how it was nestled between the shrubs and the garage. It was essentially just:
  • a couple of 4x4 posts anchored into post-spikes at the foot of the run.
  • treated lumber for the framing + hardware cloth (there was an abundance of inner-city raccoons, so an open-top run was a no-can-do).
  • a home-made door (scraps & hardware cloth)


By now, the coop was all painted (though we never painted the run), so you can clearly see how I left the wooden shutters their natural stained colour (below), to contrast with the rest of the coop. I covered the plywood roof with leftover shingles from the garage. Between the door and the egg box, there's a tall & narrow plexiglass window to allow some light in even when the ventilation window & poop doors were closed.

Also, you can see that I put a cement paver stone down beneath / adjacent to the egg box. It's because the coop is located just next to a concrete walkway (door side) and I wanted to minimize the need to step in muddy dirt when it came time to collect eggs. Just keeps things a bit neater.


A Few Details... "Maurice"
Since we were only going to have hens, we still wanted to provide the girls with a little romantic inspiration, so we installed "Maurice"... a little home-decor fella we found at Winners (like T.J. Maxx).


A Few Details... Painted up
  • The kids helped paint the inside, but we just varnished (or varathaned) the tongue & groove pine - again, for contrast.
  • My wife did the stenciling ... she had more patience for that part.
  • You can see the open ventilation window (it could be covered up with another custom-cut wooden shutter)
  • Lower right, you can see the roost bar in front of the nest boxes (there were two).

A Few Details... "The Poop Door"
We wanted an easy way to open & close the poop door, so a piece of shutter was rigged up on a runner & track system and I attached an old broom handle that came out through the hardware cloth. There was a clasp so that, once closed, it could be "locked".


A Few Details... Ventilation window, with a view
  • I installed their inside perch right in front of the ventilation window. It meant that during the summer, if they were perched and the window was open, they could also look out.
  • The roosting bar was not straight across the inside of the coop, but on an angle. This allowed me to maintain a greater amount of "open space" inside the coop... useful when it came time to clean as I wasn't trying to work around (or under) the roost.

A Few Details... The "Fleur de Lys"
The stenciling was the final touch so to speak and the Fleur de lys was a dominant theme... it's a symbol associated with the French monarchy and remember... this was a coop for our Three French Hens (Cue "The 12 Days of Christmas)...



That's about it... A really small coop, but one that served our three girls quite well during the time we had them. We eventually had to get rid of them because we had urban chickens before urban chickens were cool and after about a year, the city pretty much said "get 'em gone or we will."

We eventually replaced them with rabbits... but that's another story.
Thanks for checking out our Three French Hens Coop!
About author
Can you believe I'm a 10-year member and only a songster!? Yah, me neither. Honestly forgot about the forum since we got out of chickens a few years ago (1st coop built in 2009). Now that I'm looking to build again, I came back & it's like... "Oh yeah... them's my peeps!"

Latest reviews

I love your beautiful tiny coop as well as your 3 cute hens; its a shame you had to got rid of them. :(
Well constructed and decorated. You got such a cute kids, Blessings.
Thanks Judy! The good news is that we're in a new location and once again have hens that we hatched out in September. Currently building a new coop which I'll eventually post in here as well. Merry (almost) Christmas to you!
Beautifull get-along work. The coop is great for a few small bantam chickens. The run however, is in my opinion, only big enough if you can let the chickens free range a couple of hours each day. But for rabbits this is a great outside space.

I did things the other way around. Started with rabbits. For the kids. When there run got undermined (the rabbits eventually made holes in the floor boards) and the small rabbit coop got rotten, we bought a new chicken coop for the rabbits. This included a small run. But the rabbits didn't have eternal lives. After the rabbits 4 small Dutch chickens took over the place. :)
Hi BDutch & thanks for your review. As I look back, you're right about the size of the run. At the time, the kids were still small & we were homeschooling them so there was always someone home & any time we were out in the yard, they were out with us (not every day, but not too far off as I'm a gardener and would always do the garden tour to see what new leaves/buds had sprouted since the previous day - LOL). But yes, it was a bit small - which proved a challenge when trying to clean it out.
Your little French Hen coop turned out very nicely! I like all the repurposed materials you included in the build.
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Thanks N F C, we were happy with how it turned out - between the spikes and the abundance of screws, it was very solid and a nice size for our girls. Of course, it wasn't as pristine pink for long! haha! :)


So sorry to read that your city became unreasonable. :barnie
Yeah Papa John... they were a bit heavy handed. Our immediate neighbours were fine with it, but below our driveway was a pretty heavily used foot path, so who knows where the complaint came from but someone must've taken issue. We eventually switched over to rabbits, homing pigeons & quail - so, ironically, more animals, but none of which attracted the attention that the hens did. Go figure! :) The city has since adopted urban chicken bylaws, but there's a fairly ridiculous admin fee to start - as if it costs them to administer anything - lol. Thanks for stopping by!
It's all nice and pretty till the chickens get in there and make a mess, you know because they are chickens after all :) Nice attention to detail on the coop and it should be perfect for 3 chickens. Only thing I can see you may want to add is wire mesh on the ground to keep the critters from digging in to eat the eggs or chickens.
When cities administer any rules, usually its about money attached.
If you had been raising 100 chickens and there was a lot of loose birds and making a mess, well.

The usual citified bureaucrats. They go to the store for their food!
It's all nice and pretty till the chickens get in there and make a mess, you know because they are chickens after all :) Nice attention to detail on the coop and it should be perfect for 3 chickens. Only thing I can see you may want to add is wire mesh on the ground to keep the critters from digging in to eat the eggs or chickens.
Great comment Sapper & thanks. There is actually chickenwire underneath the dirt that you see in that pic of the three hens in front of the coop. I just put chunks of dirt in there, on top of the mesh, to give them something to scratch & to cover the wire.
When cities administer any rules, usually its about money attached.
If you had been raising 100 chickens and there was a lot of loose birds and making a mess, well.

The usual citified bureaucrats. They go to the store for their food!
Not too long afterwards, they instituted an "urban chicken permit" that cost over $100. Can you believe it... #ShakeMyHead. One can have cats/dogs with no permit, but not chickens - who provide food AND compost common kitchen waste. Again... #ShakeMyHead. We now live in France where we can have chickens (with NO permit/fee). Yay for France! LOL

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