Raising a flock of chickens comes down to a lot of things, from choosing the best breeds to having enough resources to sustain your chickens. But first, when should you buy chickens? How do the different seasons affect chickens? You should know the right time to buy your chickens because any mistake can lead to a setback.

What's The Right Time of Year To Buy Chickens?​

What time of year should you buy chickens? The time of year you buy your chickens will determine the amount of care and attention you need to give them. For example, if you buy chickens in winter, you will need to keep them extra warm, especially if they are not yet mature enough to keep themselves warm.

Also, you may have to deal with frostbite and other problems. If the chickens are to be mailed to you, most of them will probably not survive the trip because of the cold. So winter is not the best time to buy your chickens.

The best time of the year to buy chickens is Spring or early summer. During this time, there is enough heat to keep your chickens warm. You do not have to provide extra heat, so they are less susceptible to disease.

Also, your chickens will start laying eggs before the end of the year because they mature faster during this time. There is also no risk that you will receive dead chickens in the mail.

At What Age Should You Buy Chickens?​

At What Age Should You Buy Chickens?

The age of the chickens you buy depends on how much time and resources you are willing to invest in their growth. There are 4 categories of chickens: chicks, pullets, point of lay, and layers.


Chicks are very delicate and the most sensitive of the 4 categories of chickens. They require a lot of time and attention and to some degree not all chicks will survive in the flock.

Also, it takes a few months before they start laying eggs or have enough meat to be eaten. However, they are the cheapest among the different types, adorable and easy to bond with since you will take care of them throughout the growing period.


Pullets are young chickens, usually about 9 - 10 weeks old. They are more mature and stronger than chicks, but also more expensive. They also take a few weeks to lay eggs, but not as long as day-old chicks. In addition, you can bond with them.

Point of lay​

These are chickens in the first stage of laying eggs, usually at 4 or 5 months of age. If you do not have much time to raise chicks, but urgently need eggs, you can buy chickens at the point of lay.

They are stronger than pullets and chicks and do not require special care. The eggs get bigger and bigger as the chickens get older. However, their diet must be comprehensive to maximize their egg production.

Laying hens​

Laying hens are chickens that are already in the egg-laying stage. You can easily estimate how many eggs you will get from each chicken per year. They are always hardy and can withstand extreme weather conditions. However, it can be difficult to bond with them, and depending on the breed, they are usually very expensive. Some dual-purpose breeds also have the best meaty carcasses in this phase.

Signs Of Healthy Chickens​

Signs Of Healthy Chickens

Pay attention not only to the time of year and age of the chickens, but also to the signs of life. You do not want to buy chicks or chickens that are dead on arrival when you bring them into your yard.

If you want the best, go to the hatchery and see the chickens for yourself. If you buy by mail, make sure there is a refund or exchange policy you can fall back on if the chickens turn out to be sick. Here are 4 signs of healthy chickens.


Healthy chicks and chickens are always on guard. Depending on the breed, some are flighty while others are calm. However, they should not be too relaxed to detect or avoid danger. Chicks and chickens that are mentally alert will initially scurry away when you approach them.


You will not find healthy chickens hanging their heads except when they are eating or sleeping. Eyes are bright and clear, nostrils aren't runny, plumage is glossy and the toes are clear with no webbing.

Their alertness affects their posture: Their head is always upright, and their plumage does not droop. They walk or run straight to where they want to go; only a sick chicken walks awkwardly. However, the breed also affects the appearance. Some chicken breeds look calm, while others are aggressive at first sight.


Healthy chickens are energetic - this does not necessarily mean that your chickens will run around your yard, perch in trees, or cluck so loudly that the neighborhood is disturbed. Not all breeds of chickens do; some are very quiet and docile.

Regardless of whether they are naturally quiet or noisy, healthy chickens are full of life. They eat, drink, roam freely, socialize with their peers and do what they want. Healthy chickens do not stay in one place for a long time, only sick ones do.


When you buy laying chickens, you need to ask the seller if the egg production, color, and weight are consistent. Even though egg production decreases as chickens age, it should be constant throughout their fertile years.

The eggshells should be thick and the yolks should be dark golden in color.

Cost-effective Tips For Raising Chickens

Cost-effective Tips For Raising Chickens

If you want to be sure where your food comes from, do not discount raising chickens. Raising a flock does take time and attention, but you can keep costs as low as possible. Below are some tips on how to raise chickens inexpensively and successfully.

Make your own chicken feed and treats.​

If you buy chicken feed from the store every time, you could find yourself struggling financially, especially when food prices are high. Instead, you can make your own chicken feed from grains like alfalfa, wheat, oats, barley, etc.

You can also use table scraps, fruits, mealworms, vegetables etc. as treats. Having a garden where you grow vegetables (like broccoli, kale, celery, etc.) will help. Not only will you save money, but you can be sure that your chickens will eat quality food.

Get free/cheap food​

Aside from making your own chicken feed and starting a chicken garden, you can also look for free feed for your chickens. You could look for leftover fruits and vegetables at the farmer's market for your chickens to eat.

However, make sure you do not get spoiled or diseased food for your chickens. In short, do not give them what you can not eat.

Build your own chicken coop​

Another cost-effective tip for raising chickens is to build your own chicken coop. Store-bought chicken coops can be expensive, but you can build one by following these articles on BYC.

However, make sure you use durable and comfortable materials. Always remember that you want your chickens to be comfortable in their coop. For example, if you use wood, you should paint it to prevent termites from attacking the wood.

Vaccinate your chickens​

Vaccination costs some money, but it is very important for the well-being of your chickens. Chickens are very sensitive animals; even a small complication can wipe out their lives.

In addition, survival rates vary depending on the breed and age of the chickens. Laying chickens, for example, are stronger and more resilient than day-old chicks. Breeds such as Ameraucana, Delaware, Rhode Island Red, etc. tend to top the healthiest chicken breeds lists.

Things you should be prepared for when raising chickens.​

Things you should be prepared for when raising chickens.

Although you can largely predict the success of your flock, you should also be prepared for any eventuality. Here are some of the things that may occur:


It is possible that you will not lose a single animal in your flock, but it is also likely that you will. However, the risks are different. For example, if you are raising day-old chicks, the likelihood that you will lose some of them is higher than for chickens that are in the laying phase.

Also, complications such as sudden death syndrome can kill your chickens even if it appears that there is nothing wrong with them. So do not take it too hard if you lose some of your chickens, but try to minimize the risks.

Climate issues​

Chicken farmers wish they could control the weather, but they can not. Different climatic conditions will affect your chickens differently. This could thwart your plans or undo the efforts you have put into raising your flock.

Heat-tolerant chickens, for example, might have trouble surviving freezing conditions, or they might have to work harder when they do. Egg production could also decline slightly. If the climate in your location is unfavorable, find ways to protect your chickens. If you still lose some, know that you did your best.

For more information on weather conditions, see:

Attacks from predators​

Whether you can prevent your chickens from being attacked by predators depends primarily on the quality of the plans you make in advance. Predators such as foxes, wild dogs, raccoons, snakes, hawks, owls, etc. notice very quickly where chickens are kept.

Chances are you can keep them away and not lose any of your chickens. However, there is a flip side of the coin: predators may suddenly attack, and you will lose some chickens.


Just as you are getting older by the day, so are the chickens. The older their age, the lower their egg production. So you should know when your chickens are still useful to you or not.

Start by knowing the lifespan of the breed and their productive years so you can plan better. You should also opt for dual-purpose chickens. When they are done laying eggs, their carcasses will be meaty enough for a family dinner or to sell at the market.


When buying chickens, you need to pay attention to the time of year, the age of the chickens, and signs of good health. These three factors will affect the growth of your flock. Not only should you know when to buy chickens, but you should also know what precautions to take and what things to prepare for that might happen.