feed and when


5 Years
Mar 13, 2015
I have been feeding my chickens and guineas every day there is a lot of waste on the coop floor can I feed very other day and let them clean up the stuff they did not eat ??
Maybe if they are pellets but if it is crumbles and fines that they are wasting, then that wouldn't be a good idea.
I recommend a better feeder that prevents billing the feed out or fermenting the feed to bind up the fines.
Chickens are voracious eaters and should always have food available or they'll eat whatever is around including feces and bedding.

This type of feeder helps a lot.
It could be your feeder. Some don't spill a lot. Also if you have one that stores a lot of feed you may not need to fill it up as often.

Hope this helps!
What kind of feeder? Hanging or not hanging? I had waste when mine wasn't hanging, they would kick it and manage to knock feed out then didn't want to eat it for whatever reason. I hung mine up (it has the little separator too so they can't get in and flick it out with their foot or beak) and haven't seen any more waste since, I only hung it a few inches off the ground so they've had no problem accessing and eating either.
oh also, I check their feed in the morning and again in the evening. If it's low either time I refill. I don't fill the container all the way up, I fill it about 2/3s or they like to try to stick their neck in and eat from the top (it doesn't have a lid, I do plan to get one with a lid though).

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