Windows 10 issues while on BYC


Team Spina Bifida
9 Years
Feb 25, 2014
Northwestern Wyoming
My Coop
My Coop
I wasn't sure where to put this so I stuck it here. Mods, if it should go somewhere else would you be so kind as to move it for me, or tell me where you'd prefer it go? Thanks.

A lot of us are upgrading or buying new computers with Windows 10 on it. I'm one of them. Brand spanking new computer, Windows 10. And in light of some of the problems I'm having on the forum, I thought it might be good for folks to have a place to explain any problems they too are having, and with any luck (and a lot of BYC Magic) others who might have the same problems and resolved them could help out.

Emjois - I'm having a terrible time inserting them into a post. I click on where I want it to appear, select the character I want, and it plops itself into the very beginning of the post. Delete it, try again, same thing. I even hit "enter" 8 or 9 times to give the little smiley guy lots of elbow room way below the last word in my post and PRESTO - it appeared at the beginning word of the post again.

@Blooie Notice something? Yep, it's not blue, and it's not a link. Oops. When I type it the drop down box with name choices comes up, but it doesn't usually work. It seems to work just often enough to give me a bit of false hope, then it reverts back to it's ornery self.

Copy and Paste. Now how can Windows mess up something as simple as copy and paste? Well, it has. I wanted to edit my signature to take out a couple of links I didn't think were needed and put in the link to the article on brooding outdoors and to Mama Heating Pad. Removed the old ones. Then I went to the article, highlighted the address and right clicked to bring down the drop down menu. Sometimes I got it, sometimes I didn't. Hmmmm When the drop did finally show me the "copy" option, I selected it. Went to my profile page to add it to the signature, clicked where I wanted it and right clicked. The few times the drop down box showed up, I obediently clicked on "paste". Nothing. Nada. Not a cotton pickin' thing. Other times when I'd right click, I'd get a drop down that simply said something like "examine embed". Doggone it, I'm old and I've forgotten exactly what it said. Here's the irony - I got frustrated, opened the notepad (on Win 10 it's OneNote) and hit "paste". Pasted it pretty as you please. Tried to copy and paste the link from there - nothing.

The really frustrating part comes in because every once in awhile it all works! It seems to be a hiccup in Win 10 somewhere, and by the looks of the Windows questions online I'm not the only one having the same problems. Doesn't seem to be consistent enough for Microsoft to worry about - yet. But I thought I'd bring it up here to see if it's happening to anyone else, if we can somehow replicate the issues, and if someone has found a solution give them one place to share it.

Oh, and if I'm nuts, please don't tell me. I really don't want to know.
Thanks for the report!

We've heard of others that are having similar problems, but we're trying to isolate the cause.

We think it might be an issue with the "Edge" browser in Windows 10 (that replaces Internet Explorer).

As a test for you (and anybody else having problems), please reply with the following:

1) Which browser and version are you using (eg., Firefox 3.5.9, Internet Explorer 7, etc.)
2) Have you tried a different browser? This allows you to test if it is a browser specific problem vs. a computer / network problem. We suggest Google Chrome or Firefox.

If the problems go away with another browser (Firefox or Google Chrome) then we'll know it's a browser issue (Edge) and not a Windows 10 issue.
Thanks, Nifty. I was beginning to think I was the only one here who has had problems with it. I looked online, using the search terms "unable to copy and paste" and boy, a lot of other people are complaining about that too. The consensus was "Come on, Microsoft - few functions are as basic as copy and paste so how did you manage to mess that up?" Tee hee

Yep, using Edge but Ken is going to change that on my computer today. Another issue I've had is when I post photos to a thread. I type my post, then want to add the pictures under it. So I place my cursor where I want the photo to appear, click that spot, find my photo and load it, and when I hit "submit" it appears at the very top of the page, just like the emjois. (I wish I knew how to spell that) So I have to highlight then drag the photo where I want it to appear in the post.

I was using Google Chrome on my other computer and I had no problem whatsoever so I think that's what we'll do on this computer. I'll let you know if switching browsers fixes the problems. I was perhaps too quick to blame Windows 10 and not the browser.
We just changed the default browser to Google Chrome and everything is working perfectly! Leave it Microsoft to come up with a browser that talks to you and lets you write on a web page but can't do anything else worth....well....beans. Edge needs to be pushed off an edge!
I thought it was me!!!!!!!!!!!! Google Chrome here I come!.......if I can work out how ......
I dunno if this is the techno-geek way to do it, but I just used "Edge", searched for Google Chrome, and when it came I clicked on the box that asked if I wanted it be my default. Um, yeah! Haven't had any problems since.
Blooie - I managed to do it and actually managed to copy and paste the link that I needed to!
Thank you SOOOOOOOOO much for telling me about the chrome switch xx
Thankyou @Blooie this will be most useful at Christmas time for me. Our son would like Santa to bring him a new laptop, all the ones Santa has been viewing seem to come with Windows 10!!

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