2016 Poultry Plans?


BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Dec 12, 2013
Does anyone have plans for new poultry in 2016? Chickens, geese, ducks, guineas, turkeys, other birds?

If you're planning on it, tell us what you're getting and where you're getting them!

I'm hoping to get into ducks for the first time. Still have a lot to learn about them and trying to choose a breed is about as hard as trying to select the chicken breeds that went into my flock. But it's fun to plan!
Oh fun!! I LOVE ducks! That's what I raised as a girl. Now as an adult it's chickens! I've been a proud parent of 10 chickens for 10 weeks! I would like to add 10 more in 2016...I'm still pondering what kind...there's so many I'm sure I would enjoy and I love variety! I plan to "practice hatching" for a while and sell those chicks. What I really want to get is Ayam Cemani as meat birds (the roos) and for laying and breeding. I just think they are the most amazing unusual breed! I want to keep them pure and beautiful and sell them at a price that others will be able to add them to their flock.
Oh fun!! I LOVE ducks! That's what I raised as a girl. Now as an adult it's chickens! I've been a proud parent of 10 chickens for 10 weeks! I would like to add 10 more in 2016...I'm still pondering what kind...there's so many I'm sure I would enjoy and I love variety! I plan to "practice hatching" for a while and sell those chicks. What I really want to get is Ayam Cemani as meat birds (the roos) and for laying and breeding. I just think they are the most amazing unusual breed! I want to keep them pure and beautiful and sell them at a price that others will be able to add them to their flock.

Sounds like a great plan! For your hatching, do you have an incubator or are you going to use a broody?

What breed of ducks did you have? First, I thought Indian Runners (I love their upright stance) but since this will be my first time, maybe something a little calmer would be better. Maybe Welsh Harlequins. Can't decide, I want to try all of them!
Since I had to leave my old flock behind when I moved from Hawaii to Montana, I'm going to be starting a new flock by getting some chicks in the spring. If I can get what I want from the local feed store I might go that route as I can avoid having to have them shipped to me by mail. Otherwise, I'll likely order from a hatchery. My choice is not absolutely set in stone, but tentatively I am planning on at least getting some Black Sex Links. I may end up getting some other breeds as well. I'll see if my granddaughter has any strong preferences at the time.
If i can, i'm leaning towards getting some Serama or dwarf wyandotte eggs for my broody to hatch but getting them shipped from Mombasa to Nairobi could be a hassle (and getting the timing right with my broody). For reasons not totally clear to me, bantams are quite popular here in Nairobi, with fertile eggs selling for 10 times the price of standard eggs but i would like them just to make a change from my regular flock.

My plans for 2016 will be to add a new roo to my flock of polish. My fingers are crossed for a tolbunt boy but they seem to be like rocking horse poop round here :barnie
If all else fails and I can't find the right one I will be getting some eggs shipped and will hatch myself. Will set back my plans a little but I will have little chicks :love
No matter what happens the incubator will be on at the first sign of Spring :oops:
Since I had to leave my old flock behind when I moved from Hawaii to Montana, I'm going to be starting a new flock by getting some chicks in the spring. If I can get what I want from the local feed store I might go that route as I can avoid having to have them shipped to me by mail. Otherwise, I'll likely order from a hatchery. My choice is not absolutely set in stone, but tentatively I am planning on at least getting some Black Sex Links. I may end up getting some other breeds as well. I'll see if my granddaughter has any strong preferences at the time.

Hi Michael, is there any breed in particular you'd like to try that you haven't already?
If i can, i'm leaning towards getting some Serama or dwarf wyandotte eggs for my broody to hatch but getting them shipped from Mombasa to Nairobi could be a hassle (and getting the timing right with my broody). For reasons not totally clear to me, bantams are quite popular here in Nairobi, with fertile eggs selling for 10 times the price of standard eggs but i would like them just to make a change from my regular flock.


Those Serama's are handsome little birds. I love the way they stand up like little soldiers. That's interesting bantams are more popular than standard size. I wonder if people are more inclined to get them because they don't eat as much?

Good luck finding some fertile eggs!
My plans for 2016 will be to add a new roo to my flock of polish. My fingers are crossed for a tolbunt boy but they seem to be like rocking horse poop round here

If all else fails and I can't find the right one I will be getting some eggs shipped and will hatch myself. Will set back my plans a little but I will have little chicks

No matter what happens the incubator will be on at the first sign of Spring

The tolbunt coloring is really eye catching. "...rocking horse poop..." too funny, I hope you find some.
Those Serama's are handsome little birds. I love the way they stand up like little soldiers. That's interesting bantams are more popular than standard size. I wonder if people are more inclined to get them because they don't eat as much?

Good luck finding some fertile eggs!

Thanks and I agree they look great little things! Can't honestly say why they are becoming popular but its a shame that here in Nairobi i have never seen them advertised for sale and a flight to the coast seems a bit expensive for a few eggs. Never mind, I'll try and find a way


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