Polyvisol for Quail


In the Brooder
Sep 6, 2016
Can you put polyvisol in the water for healthy quail? I started putting it in the water because one had wryneck but I haven't stopped. Can you only give it to them if they are sick for a certain amount of time? Should I stop or will it keep them healthy? Thanks :)
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I would keep giving it for three weeks or so. If it doesn't get better by then its not going to. Change the water alot and some people say to put a table spoon of apple cider vinegar in along with it per liter of water. Good luck. Sometimes they make it threw and sometimes they don't. Earlier you catch it the better.
I would keep giving it for three weeks or so. If it doesn't get better by then its not going to. Change the water alot and some people say to put a table spoon of apple cider vinegar in along with it per liter of water. Good luck. Sometimes they make it threw and sometimes they don't. Earlier you catch it the better.
Thank you. :)

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