Our first winter


5 Years
Apr 14, 2014
White Lake, Michigan
This will be our first winter having geese. This is my question.. They will be out doors all day while there is light and brought into their coop when dark/night.

What should I do when it's dark at 4:30pm? Bring them in, but keep a light on for a few hours?

Also, is it ok that they don't have their pool in the winter to bathe in? I will have no way to keep it from freezing.

Also, other than romain and kale, what greens should be offered when the ground is covered with snow?
When you bring them in at 4:30 you don't really need to keep a light on if they go into the coop willingly, but it would be fine to put a light on a timer if you want as long as you secure the cord.

They definitely need clean water deep enough to dunk their head and drink all the time. It would be nice if they had some water to bathe in for at least part of the day. Maybe you could fill a rubber stock tank in a sunny spot and they could bathe until it freezes over. I run a hose from my frost free hydrant to their pond just above a trickle to keep an area from freezing over and put in a pond heater when it gets colder.

You can pretty much offer any greens they like. Iceberg lettuce of course doesn't really have any nutrients. I even tried cabbage. It's funny the goose gals liked the cabbage, but the ganders spit it out.
I would not leave a light on. They do not need pools in the winter, but it is nice to bring them out if you get a sunny warm day. I personally use 5 gallon buckets and 3 gallon heavy black rubber shallow tubs in the winter. I break ice at morning/evening feed and refill. I feed grass horse hay, complete waterfowl feed, and whole corn to supplement.
I just ordered a 2' by 6" round poly pool with a drain. I also ordered a pond warmer. I plan to take them out daily in the winter, snow and all, even if just for the walking exercise and a swim. Do I need to worry about frost bite on the feet? What temp is too cold to take them out?
I don't normally leave food or water in their night time pen, it's too messy. If I put them to bed at 4:30, is it ok, that they aren't let out until 7:00am without food or water?
I don't normally leave food or water in their night time pen, it's too messy. If I put them to bed at 4:30, is it ok, that they aren't let out until 7:00am without food or water?
Water fowl are amazingly cold tolerant. I have never had a goose with frost bite. Their circulatory system is adapted to dealing with cold weather. So as long as they have good circulation and a full layer of down they cope very well with winter. The only times my geese seemed the slightest bit put off by the very cold weather is when it was windy this past frigid winter.

I hope the poly pool does not crack in cold weather, or is that a kind of poly that is resistant to freezing temps? Considering that is has a drain, it is probably a quality material...

I know what you mean about them making a mess with food and water. I have put it in with them over night, but there are probably folks who have found that they are fine overnight without, especially considering the cool weather.
I have been pondering the winter my self I too am new to geese I have 2 Chinese they are out doors now that they are big kids 6.months lol they have a night night pin as we call it with a small pond for at night an a lil house with a heat lamp I'm in so Cali but I. The hills it gets down to the 20s some nights in winter an we do get some snow I am one of tho people that always think it's not worm Enuff for others humans an animals alike lol I don't want to over heat them but don't want them to be cold so all this is so helpfull I love this site :) thanks y'all
I was told when I ordered the pool it would be fine in the winter. They will spend all day out side, but at night they will be in a pen in my garage. My dad and I are building it now!

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