Mixing ages of chicks...


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 5, 2014
Long story short.. Before today, I had 2 chicks at 5 weeks, and 2 at 7 weeks in a pen/brooder inside the garage with a lamp in the corner. I wasn't going to move them outside into the coop until the young ones were 8 weeks old (3 weeks from now)

So today, I happen to be in the area of the local hatchery, and came home with 3 more 9/10 week chicks. I've been waiting to use my coop... And knew the new chicks could handle it.

I've been really paranoid moving the chicks outside. Felt like 8 weeks was the sweet spot to move outside. Last week I let the chicks play in the yard midday during the weekend for 2-3 hours at around 80-85 degrees. The next morning I had 2 lethargic chicks... Got them Sulmet and kept them warm and lost both. :-( being new to chicken, it broke my heart....so I told myself not to let them out until 8 weeks.

Couple of questions... How and when do I assimilate the 2 groups?

Group 1: 2 chicks at 5 weeks and 2 chicks at 7 weeks in the garage.

Group 2: 3 chicks at 9/10 weeks in the coop outside.

Should I... Move them all into the coop (though I think the 5 week ones are too young)?

Move the 7 week ones into the coop with the new ones and leave the two 5-week ones in the brooder until they are 8 weeks?

Leave group 1 in the garage and leave group 2 in the coop... Assimilate when the youngest ones are 8 weeks?

I hope I make sense. What's the best combination assimilate?
I've got 3 Turken that are 5-6 weeks old, 3 Showgirls, a Barnyard Mix, a Sizzle and a Salmon Faverolle that are 3-5 weeks old and 1 Brahma that is 1 to 2 weeks old. They are all living outside in their coop with a brooder lamp. Seven of the chicks are from the same breeder, 4 are from another and 1 came in by herself. I have had no issues with the mixing of ages at all. Actually the youngest chick keeps up with the oldest chicks like they are best pals. Mine have been venturing into the run for 3-4 hours for the last 4 or 5 days and they are being put in the coop around 6:30 when they all stop scratching and begin to huddle up together. Oh yea the little Brahma has been in the outdoor brooder/coop since she was 3-5 days old.


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