Chicks you hatched and chicks from the store?


6 Years
Apr 13, 2013
So I am planning to hatch some of my own chicks, but my incubator only hatches 3 eggs. I want a number of 5 chickens, but is it ok if I mix the chicks from the store and the ones that I hatch? I don't know if the store chicks have any diseases that could transfer to the home- hatched chicks?
It will be fine to mix the chicks. There are some things to think about though.

Have you incubated before? Things don't always go as planned. All 3 may not hatch. If they do some may be cockerels. Do you have a plan for the males? You may need more than just 2 hatchery chicks to reach your total of 5.
I would mix them, and make your well informed decision about whether you plan to use medicated feed. Chicks from a hatchery are not much more likely to get coccidiosis than home hatched chicks. My flock was started with chicks hatched in my home made incubator, and I added 6 hatchery chicks to the 5 that I hatched. I have never used medicated feed, instead, opting to give them fresh sod from my yard to help them develop a healthy immune system. Have never had coccidiosis in any of the flocks I've had.
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So I am planning to hatch some of my own chicks, but my incubator only hatches 3 eggs. I want a number of 5 chickens, but is it ok if I mix the chicks from the store and the ones that I hatch? I don't know if the store chicks have any diseases that could transfer to the home- hatched chicks?
what kind of incubator do you have? a chick-a-bator or a digital one? Have you successfully hatched with your incubator before this?
thanks, karen
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