How to get rid of ravens


9 Years
Jul 25, 2013
Kaministquia, Ontario
My Coop
My Coop
Howdy all,
I am wondering if anyone knows of any effective method of getting rid of Ravens. my birds are somewhat protected and my rooster lets them know to hide, but there is a couple ravens that are frustrating me! they disappear faster than one can aim so pegging them off is not n option, any ideas? please help I'm desperate.
Is there any reason to not want the ravens in the first place? Generally if you let them be they should leave you alone too. Ravens & crows don't normally attack chickens unless there's no other food option, they are more often scavengers than anything.
Free ranging chickens? Build them some brush teepees to nest under. In a run? Put bird netting over the top. But I'd rather deal with losing eggs than losing hens to hawks.
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My Ravens chase off the hawks as well. The Ravens have a certain call they use when hawk is in their territory and when I hear this call I know they are doing their job chasing off the Red-Tails!
Try to change your nesting boxes make them long and dark, may be if you add bird ribbons "Bird Repellent Reflective Tape" at the entrance they may stop eating eggs
I feed my ravens old eggs- if it's on the ground, it's for them. In the winter they'll be tossed on the barn roof. They don't take anything else and they chase away hawks and owls, so feeding them is a small price to pay.

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