Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

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Hey, a chicken reference!
Wanna see a bunch of people having loads of fun? Check out this video. You'll need sound, it's a Youtube video, but what a blast!!!

I shot an MP5 once, full auto 9mm. It was awesome. Yes, I am a gun nut, and proud of it!
Personally, I would prefer that people remember Hitler and the Nazis and think of them whenever government is discussed. Remembering history is the only way that we can learn from it and prevent it from repeating itself.

Or maybe you would prefer that people forget history and just become "We the sheeple."
Being Canadian our good ole government started a gun registry a few years back - cost them a ridiculas amount of money to set up and run - But unless the government knows we have the guns we aint supposed to have them . that is every and all guns - to me its stupid and really no need for it - The ones that are using guns for criminal activity are not going to register their guns - but that now gives the cops a reason to come search your house - under suspicion of weapons.
I think we should all have the right to have a gun to protect ourselves and our homes/businesses
Exactly. You get my point perfectly. A reasonable restriction on a right does not deny that right. I can still hold my rally, just not outside your window at 2 AM.

I also can't slander, libel, use copyrighted material without permission outside of fair use, or blab military secrets.

Actually you can, but you are just held accountable in civil or criminal court. Nobody loses their tongue or a piece of it due to the first amendment, you have a right to use your voice and you also have the obligation to use it wisely or be held accountable. This is the way it should be with firearms, criminals could care less about laws written for honest people. In fact they love them, the majority of criminals and prison populations SUPPORT reasonable restrictions(anti-gun laws).

And there is my point, if yet another is needed...
Everything has repercussions, or should. As I said, things sort themselves out in MY yard.

In discussions like this, we inevitably bog down in out of context excerpting, finger waving and the lather we create around such issues. Mostly, we are guilty of simply wanting people to hear our viewpoint, and to be right - especially on issues we are emotionally invested in. The last thing we need, however, is emotion.

Some few people get it, from what I've seen so far. It isn't about gun control - that's just the smoke from a much bigger fire. What we are really talking about at every level, from compulsory taxation to government health plans, is people control - and the willingness of the people to submit to it.
Instead of taking care of ourselves, for good or bad, we have embraced the notion that it is the government's job, any government, to control outcomes for us. From crime to retirement, we believe the government should be the leader in action that affects us. THAT is not where we started, but it is where we are rapidly heading. Ultimately, it will be the undoing of the free thinking, free acting man as we have known him.
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No, but comparisons between the current government and Nazi Germany are just plain flat out silly. If y'all want to get partisan in this thread, fine. I'm very good at that. I have some strong opinions and facts about the previous administration where it comes to personal rights. But you will just see the thing locked down.

Not that it matters, of course. Once a discussion succumbs to Gadwin's Law, all rational discourse is pretty much done anyway.

I can only add...When guns are outlawed....only outlaws will have guns.....I have dogs in the house too but have found that a better burgular/door-to door salesman/whoever deterrent is to scatter some spent handgun/rifle cartridges on the back stair with a sign that says "Don't bother knocking just COME RIGHT IN"
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