Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

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Heelers&Chickens_OhMy :

54 pages!?! What a thread!!

I have to say, after days of debating, reading, and talking further with my amazing DBF, I now, more than ever, think that our rights to own guns as citizens needs to be upheld. I am still nervous about automatic weapons, but maybe some one can convince me those are ok to make available too

Why has my thinking come around? Some one (horsejody....or Chicks n Horses? ...some one...) mentioned something to the effect of "we may be safe now, but what about our kids, grandkids, great grand kids....)"

She (or he) is right. It is next to impossible to get rights back once we give them up. By giving up a right to own firearms, we are giving up the only way we have to defend ourselves from the gov't now, or the gov't of the future. Apparently, all you need in other countries to start a revolution (or a rioting dissenting group) is a charismatic leader, some sheeple and weapons. We have just as much a right as they do to overthrow a tyrant. At this moment, I don't see our president as a tyrant, but we don't know if that will change in years to come. We certainly don't know how our children will act...but I will compare this to environmental damage:

Perhaps you don't care, today, if we're using up water in the Ogalala Aquifer hundreds of times faster than it can regenerate. This aquifer supplies over 50% of the water to our fertile mid-western states (9 of them to be exact) where we grow a LOT of corn that feeds our cows, chickens and pigs that we like to eat so much. Perhaps you don't care that this water will be gone in 30 years at the rate we're using - but know that by using water the way we currently are, in 30 years, when your kids are feeding their families, the price of food will skyrocket (meat especially) and hundreds of thousands of people will not be able to water their families in the midwest.

My point is, the 'oh, but we're fine now' simply isn't good enough for me. With gun control, we don't know what the future will bring, but once gun rights are gone, they're gone. Everytime I've seen a right get taken away, I've rarely seen it given back.

Yay, a convert!
OK, seriously, on the "automatic weapon" front - right now in order to get one you do have to have a very specific license. A "fully automatic" weapon is one that you can pull the trigger on and multiple bullets come out. This can be "full auto" and you pull the trigger and your entire clip can be emptied OR a "three-round burst" where you pull the trigger and three rounds come out BIP-BIP-BIP right after each other.

Most firearms that you will find are considered "semi-automatic". The "automatic" part of them is that they get another round ready to fire for you - you don't have to do it yourself.

For example, any revolver or hand pistol could be considered "semi-automatic". When you pull the trigger once, one bullet comes out. Then the gun does something (rotate a cylinder, slide goes back, etc.) which gets the expended round out of the way and puts a new one up for shooting. Then you pull the trigger again and the next round can be shot. One trigger pull = one shot, and no "loading" of the next cartridge is necessary.

A "non-automatic" gun might be something like a pump shotgun, you know like Arnold Schwarzenneger used in Terminator? He could pull the trigger and go BOOM, but before pulling the trigger again he had to manually "pump" the shotgun in order to get rid of the expended shell and line another one up.

Or like in the old Westerns - you know when the gunslingers would "fan" their guns? Shoot a bullet and then sort of "slap" the top of their pistol with the other hand? That was them cocking the hammer back manually, which also rotated the next round into place.

Make sense?
Truer words have never been spoken. Now all you squeaky wheels stop it. The majority is ruling.

Yes, and the majority thinks that there should be a right to bear arms. I think my next purchase will be a .22 pistol.

My next purchase will be a wheel gun, all I have are semi-autos, some of which fit nicely in my pocket, some are too big for me to carry - but they're fun to shoot!.
Hitler is the first one in the history of modern society to start gun ownership registration. His very famous quote that i am sure you all are familiar with is "tell the same lie often enough and the people will believe it".We the people are being desensitized to the removal of our constritutional rights one tiny step at a time by the very ones we elect to protect them.
Not only did Hitler take away guns, he registered his people. He also introduced socialized health care. We are about to require the mandatory registration of every citizen in America under health care reform, AND require access to full financial information. Hmmmmmmmmmm

All of our rights are sooo very important, but they cannot be defended from the oppressors without the 2nd.
I have nine acres and room and a hill to use for a range, I could safely shoot a full auto weapon here - and my neighbor used to, all the time.

Just because you can't open a range to the "Public" and profit from it, doesn't mean other folk shouldn't have the right to have full auto weapons.

Anyone responsible with a revolver, rifle, shotgun, semi-auto, is also responsible with a full auto weapon. Full auto doesn't turn the darn thing into a creature with a mind of it's own.

I want a full auto gun I just haven't jumped through those hoops yet. But I will. Society has gotten too ugly for it not to be a good idea. When a giant gov't of "Do it all for you and to you for your own good" collapses in on itself under it's own weight --- What crawls out from under is darn ugly and will not be welcome on my land.

A criminal ignores laws for gun control, so again, full auto law only hurts those who would legally possess them.

Laws that LIMIT where and how you store them - in a locker, disassembled, with a trigger guard, make them useless in an emergency.

That senior gentleman would certainly have been dead, if he'd had to unlock, reassemble and remove a trigger guard before using it.

What are you going to do, look at the men with a gun coming inthe door and say "Please wait a minute, my gun is disassembled???"

So any reasonably intelligent individual where those laws apply HAS to break the law in order to have a gun for his own defense. THAT'S FLAT WRONG.

People are law abiding and responsible or they are not.

No law passed will affect those insane or criminal in nature - ever. They WANT to commit crimes.

Pass more death sentence Laws for murder, armed rape, armed robbery - oddly that actually has an affect.

Pools, cars and knives kill three or four times more people a year than legally held guns and illegally used guns combined. Let's outlaw pools and cars and knives...

Most people who have guns, keep them responsibly, and most you'd never know have guns. Even people who keep them and carry them illegally for self protection, you'd never know it. Because they do, and do so responsibly. Generally it never shows until and unless they're threatened or attacked. Because that's all it is for.

While is the insane/immoral and sometimes testosterone infested jocks and women of several age brackets are idiot shoot-anything and irresponsible types, they are also irresponsible with their cars, their motorcycles, their
drinking and their overall behavior, any of which could kill another person, yet we don't take away their licenses, or their alcohol/drugs, their children to keep them or us "safe".

But we then fall back under "criminal and negligent" behavior NOT responsible behavior.

Guns are never a problem in good hands, legally held or not. They are always a problem in hands that heed no law and care not whom or what they harm.
Not exactly the first. The Turks, the Chinese the Russians all beat him to the punch.
Then there was Napolean, English Kings, more than a few of the Russian Emperors, and the Romans, if you care to look further back. The history of governments controlling peoples' access to weapons is a long one.
You would think once we started writing it all down we wouldn't forget so easily but it seems to happen every few generations.

History repeats itself again.
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Not only did Hitler take away guns, he registered his people. He also introduced socialized health care. We are about to require the mandatory registration of every citizen in America under health care reform, AND require access to full financial information. Hmmmmmmmmmm

All of our rights are sooo very important, but they cannot be defended from the oppressors without the 2nd.


Godwin's Law:
"As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
--Mike Godwin, 1990

And that was old-timey Usenet, back in the day. The technology may change, but some things never do.
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