Recent content by 8chickenlittle

  1. 8chickenlittle

    Two little flocks that don't get along

    I have two runner ducks 5 months old when can i put them with older2-3yr olds? Should i do it at nite (dont know sexes yet)
  2. 8chickenlittle


    Any suggestions?
  3. 8chickenlittle


    Went to check coop- found one eye closed and all feather on its head gone you can see skull . So i took her out and gave her a bath but her in a cage -heater bulb water and yogut and pellets-put double antibotic cream on head
  4. 8chickenlittle


    Let my chickens out of house and one of them cannot walk straight keeps falling down walks a little falls down what's up??? Any ides anyone?
  5. 8chickenlittle


    Well today my broody hen decided to get off eggs and ggot a friend to sit awhile it is almost 2 weeks
  6. 8chickenlittle


    .Also have another hen who is still sitting on her eggs not movin so we will see. Not good when you are trying to make a dozen eggs to sell and she has hourding 5. Guess ill let her be a mama lol
  7. 8chickenlittle


    Well my hen is still hanging in there eating and drinking water.problem is she feels on her underside full and like watery inside like a water balloon. Weird--- Gonna try soakin her in a warm soapy bucket of water. See if i can feel anything like an egg. Walks funny and down with the wings and tail
  8. 8chickenlittle

    Broody Hen Thread!

    well has only been 2 days so we will see. other hens are laying next to her cause they cant use the box . never had any hatch before usually get them quick oh ;/ we will soon see keep u posted!
  9. 8chickenlittle

    Broody Hen Thread!

    I have a broody hen on 5 egg s how long til hatch. (2. Days now. Wont let me take them
  10. 8chickenlittle

    Teaching Ducks

    i have 2 ducks (girls) one mallard one gray duck and not even a year old 2 white large pekin ducks
  11. 8chickenlittle

    Teaching Ducks

    I have a covered barn area they walk all around not fence in they dont wander far from barn area
  12. 8chickenlittle

    Teaching Ducks

    i let my ducks out in the day and have 2to kiddie pools from dollar store i fill for them e erday. At nite i dump and rinse pools and clap and tell them bedtime girls -about and they go to bed. Close them up and safe
  13. 8chickenlittle


    I dont know how old she is i thought maybe constipated?(use to lay friend gave me her ill have to ask she will eat just droppywings tail
  14. 8chickenlittle


    Need help or idea what to do-- i have a hen that looks droopy her wings are down waddles spread out legs sad lookin quarintined her. Feed her yogurt and oatmeal no change no eggs no talkin nothing -inside tried olive oil and bottom soaks:(
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