Recent content by afchicken

  1. afchicken

    island of o'ahu

    looks like i will be out of the dorms in like 2-3months
  2. afchicken

    island of o'ahu

    starting next yr will be looking for places to rent
  3. afchicken

    island of o'ahu

    ive been here for 4months i got a moped instead of a car and my days off are spent fishing or at petco or coral fish
  4. afchicken

    Fish Thread for posting Pictures of our fish, tanks, ponds, and Q & A

    i have moved from korea to hawaii and now have 2 tanks set up 1 saltwater and 1 freshwater will post pics in a moment
  5. afchicken

    egg difference

    idk why i didnt think of using yahoo cool thanks
  6. afchicken

    egg difference

    i free range(no fences at all) figured it would be like chickens some lay white others lay brown eggs or speckled bigger smaller
  7. afchicken

    egg difference

    i have muscovys and only want to breed muscovys but may want to get a few kahki females for eggs is there anyway to tell which eggs are which like color or something or is there another good production duck that lays different colored eggs?
  8. afchicken

    Muscovy Ducklings Near OH, WV, PA tristate area.

    i have a broody muscovy that is sitting on bad eggs and wont give up so need like 5 babys for her i live near barkcamp if you know where that is
  9. afchicken

    fertile or not

    and a picture of the eggs i plan on incubating
  10. afchicken

    fertile or not

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