Fish Thread for posting Pictures of our fish, tanks, ponds, and Q & A

I would soooo eat princess...
Ok HELP! It appears my platy is pregnant. I just saw her pop out a little fry that went and dug into the gravel at the corner of the tank. I noticed a little white dot on her rear end yesterday, but did not think anything of it. I just noticed a white dot again and then a minute later a baby popped out.

I don't know what to do. I have a little transport carrier for them but it is not filtered at all. Other than that I do not have another tank.

**UPDATE** I see at least two in there. I took all the plants and moved them to one corner of the tank so now there is a little forrest in that area. I already found a home for the male so hopefully there won't be too many more babies in my future.
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Ok, After making the "forrest" I've counted at least 5 that have made their way over there. It is too dense for the other fish to get to, so maybe they will make it. Not sure what I'll do with 5+ (maybe) platys though.
Ok, After making the "forrest" I've counted at least 5 that have made their way over there. It is too dense for the other fish to get to, so maybe they will make it. Not sure what I'll do with 5+ (maybe) platys though.

With that much cover they should be fine. What other fish are in the tank?
Just watch the females because they'll steal eat the fry and IMO are stealthier than the males
Sorry question rescinded. I just found out that someone in my family used to breed them and totally set me straight. I'll be getting a 20-29 gallon tank, a breeding net for tiny fry and a lot of plants and hiding rocks for older fry. For cleaning I'll buy the healthiest tiniest plecostomus fish I can find and when it's too big I have a friend with a huge 100+ gallon tank that the fish can move to.

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