Recent content by aoxa

  1. aoxa

    Sex- linked Information

    Thank you! So pullet:
  2. aoxa

    Sex- linked Information

    Could a Barred Female crossed with a blue Ameraucana create blue offspring? Only one bantam barred rock in a pen of pure bantam BBS Ameraucanas.. How would that create a blueish chick out of a brown egg?
  3. aoxa

    Cornish X - Laying like a champ!

    No not much. The hen I held back is roughly 10 pounds. VERY large. She is bare backed and a very agile chicken unlike her mother. I have her in with my Buckeyes right now. She can roost 4 feet high without a ladder as well. I must get a recent picture as long as no one judges me on her naked...
  4. aoxa

    The Sizzle Thread!

    You could just cull all frazzles. You get the best frizzling by breeding two frizzled together... I'm not doing it.. just been told this is what I should be doing to guarantee frizzles. My latest obsession lol
  5. aoxa

    Green Egger Naked Neck Thread

    My brother did stick this guy in the breeding pen lol that could explain all the barring.
  6. aoxa

    Green Egger Naked Neck Thread

    Can something carry barring without showing it? I don't know.. Kev/??
  7. aoxa

    Green Egger Naked Neck Thread

    I have blues, but not barred. I put the barred hens in my frizzle pen to make some frizzled Silkies :) The barring is very obvious for the boys. They are full black with white dots on the heads. Always boys Now at 1 week old the wing feathers are a solid blue! Not barred.. but they have a...
  8. aoxa

    Hens lay fertile eggs without Rooster?

    Can I ask where you found this? Whoever posted it stole my image and removed my watermark.. Not cool
  9. aoxa

    Green Egger Naked Neck Thread

    I am so confused by this blue barred colour I keep hatching. Love them though.
  10. aoxa

    Green Egger Naked Neck Thread

    5 hens, Sunday - Friday hatching eggs for the week. A PERFECT week. :)
  11. aoxa

    The Sizzle Thread!

    That's how I created my own :) Look at them now! Polish was the grandmother.
  12. aoxa

    The Sizzle Thread!

    They are shown in the Silkie breed category. They should have the type of a Silkie with the only thing being different the frizzled feathers. At least that's how the frizzled Silkies are shown. Any breed can have a frizzled counterpart. :)
  13. aoxa

    Raising while also Profiting from Chickens??

    Oh I see what you're getting at.. but you do have to factor in the cost to maintain the parents to get them to lay the eggs... eggs are not free. :)
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