Recent content by Asaburks

  1. Asaburks

    Egg laying slowing down?

    It means that they are getting ready to molt, also, it may mean that they need more calcium. Hope this helps! :)
  2. Asaburks

    How Long Before Chicks Can Go Outside

    Hello, I was wondering, how many weeks do chicks need to stay in a brooder before you can let them live outside? I currently have 3 buff orpingtons, and 3 heritage silver laced wyandottes.
  3. Asaburks

    Feeling worried for winter

    You should get a heat lamp to put in the cage; they will go to the lamp if they get cold. Also, it depends, how old are your hens?
  4. Asaburks

    First time incubating...

    For a still air incubator, you want to have the temperature to be at about 102 degrees F. Humidity should be at about 60% until the last 3 days of incubation. It normally takes about 21 days for chicks to hatch. On day 18, increase the humidity to about 90%
  5. Asaburks

    Something is Wrong!!

    The pine shavings probably caused a blockage. It is better to use newspaper for baby chicks in a brooder.
  6. Asaburks

    How long do chickens need to stay in brooder?

    Hi all, thanks so much for the help! I was also wondering: how do chicks get air while in the incubator?
  7. Asaburks

    How long do chickens need to stay in brooder?

    Hi there, I was planning on raising my own baby chicks, and was wondering, how long do they need to stay in the brooder?
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